The Disruptive Way of Jesus (Matthew 10:34-42)


Sermon Series: Signs & Wonders

Sermon Title: The Disruptive Way of Jesus

Sermon Text: Matthew 10:34-42

Big Idea: Following the way of Jesus brings disruption that leads to true peace.

Sermon Notes

  1. What is the way of Jesus?

    • The way of Jesus is self-emptying love, which seeks the flourishing and redemption of all creation, by disrupting all that is evil and unjust.

  2. What does it mean to follow the way of Jesus?

    • It means choosing to disruptively love other people even at the expense of our own relational security.

    • It means that anyone who disruptively loves other people can find comfort in knowing that they are united with Jesus.

  3. What does it look like for us to participate in the way of Jesus today?

    • It looks like disruptively loving no matter the size of the impact.

Timothy Wiggins

Worship Director at Redemption Bible Church


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