Where do we find hope in the midst of sickness and death? To whom do we look when everything around us is broken and falling apart? How can we have joy in times of job loss and uncertainty?
As we come to Holy Week we are faced with these questions and many like them. We long for life to go back to how it was before the Pandemic. We feel the sadness of self-isolation, the despair of joblessness, the frustration of not having answers, and we crave something more.
Throughout, The Hope of Holy Week, we will look to Luke’s Gospel for answers. We will enter in to Jesus’ triumphal entry on Palm Sunday. We will sit at the foot of the cross on Good Friday. We will stand amazed at the empty tomb on Easter Sunday. And though we will not be physically together, we will be united by the bond of Christ as we seek to understand how we can have hope in the midst of trials.
Join us Friday, April 10 at 4pm, to find how you can have hope in the midst of the sadness we face.
Please Note: This service will be live stream only on our Youtube Channel.