Becca Wells: Hi From Becca - October Update


October was a challenging month in a lot of ways. In the midst of some tough things, the Lord still showed up—as He always does. There was still a lot of soccer and coaching and growing as a functioning adult ;) Even though it was a hard month it was still a good one.

An Encouraging Word

Received this from a friend this morning, and it was too good not to share!

"Let me know why you contend against me.”

Job 10:2 ESV

Perhaps, you distressed soul, the Lord is doing this to develop your graces. Some of your graces would never be discovered if it were not for your trials.

Don’t you know that your faith never looks as grand in summer weather as it does in winter? Love is too often like a firefly, showing hardly any light unless it is surrounded by darkness. Hope itself is like a star—not seen in the sunshine of prosperity, and only discovered in the night of adversity. Afflictions are often the black background in which God sets the jewels of His children’s graces, to make them shine better.

It was only a little while ago that you were on your knees, praying, “Lord, I fear I have no faith; let me know that I do!” Wasn’t this really, even if unconsciously, praying for trials? How can you know that you have faith until your faith is exercised? Depend on it—God often sends us trials that our graces might be discovered and that we may be assured of their existence.

Besides, it is not merely discovery—real growth in grace is the result of our sanctified trials. God often takes away our comforts and privileges to make us better Christians. He trains His soldiers not in tents of ease and luxury, but by ordering them out to forced marches and hard service. He makes them ford streams and swim rivers and climb mountains and walk many long miles carrying heavy packs of sorrow.

Well, Christian, might this account for the troubles you’re now passing through? Isn’t the Lord bringing out your graces, and making them grow? Isn’t this the reason He is contending with you?

Trials make the promise sweet;

Trials give new life to prayer;

Trials bring me to His feet, Lay me low, and keep me there.

“Welcome Cross,” William Cowper (18th century)"

"Morning and Evening - Updated Language" by Charles Spurgeon

Prayer Requests:

  • Praise for another month of safety and good health for our players

  • Praise for successful car repairsPraise for less intense and less frequent migraines

  • Be praying for a training space for the end of fall and start of winter

  • Pray for our players as they struggle with E-Learning, and that we as their coaches will be creative in finding ways to help

  • Pray for the colleges and players we will be connecting with over the next several months about the Summer Academy and that the Lord would give them wisdom on how to spend their summer


Higher Up Ministries: November Update


Hope Church: Hello From the Mountaintop