Becca Crisman: Hello from Kijabe, Kenya!

It has been a little over a month since I have arrived in Kenya! I cannot begin to explain how beautiful this place is and all the wonderful blessings that God is pouring here. These past weeks have been a blur of emotions, learning experiences, and an incredible amount of God’s grace. I am continually leaning into God’s prompting and building confidence in the areas in which God has gifted me.

I am currently finishing up my 5th week of student teaching and 2nd week teaching full time here at Rift Valley Academy. This school is absolutely incredible and unique in almost every way. We serve about 500 missionary families who send their kids to receive quality education for as little cost as possible. It is a close knit community that lives right on the Great Rift Valley of Africa in Kenya. This place is a true testament to God’s work and providence over missions here in Africa.

Teaching has been amazing and exhausting all at the same time. My cooperating teacher has been a true blessing and encouragement to me at every step. Currently, I am running the classroom by myself and it is leading me to rely and trust God even more for every step. All the teachers and staff here are dedicated and inspiring. They commit their entire lives to teaching for free in order to support families who are preaching the word of God. It has truly been a blessing to be around then and learn from them.

I absolutely love my students! My students are eager to learn and come to school with so many diverse experiences and backgrounds. Learning to teach them and incorporate what they love has been a huge blessing. My students all have parents who live on or near campus, many of whom work at the school as well. Their perspective and insight in life has been eye opening to me and pushed me, as their teacher, to strive to give them the best of me.

When I am not teaching there are many activities and events to keep our students busy during the evening and weekends, care never stops here! We also travel to surrounding Kenyan communities, build relationships, encourage, and learn from one another.

As I enter into the middle part of my student teaching I ask that you continue to pray for me. I thank God for your support and know that He is using every one of you specifically to further His mission in this world.

Please pray:

  • That I would not burn out, but rely on God to give me everything I need for each day.

  • For my students as they look forward to midterm break and the many travels that entails.

  • Praise God for the many encouraging teachers, staff, and families here at Rift Valley Academy who work tirelessly to support missionary families.


Becca Crisman


Kimberly Taylor: Travels to Southeast Asia


Mackenzie Morey: Happy New Year!