Becca Wells: March Update


March was a fun month! All the snow has melted and spring has officially sprung here in West Chicago. This month consisted of a wrap up of winter training, lots of time with our teams, and a visit from my family :)

An Encouraging Word

Saw this post on Instagram and was very encouraged by it, especially in this season of decision-making. Hope it can encourage you as well!

"Jesus looked at him and loved him. 'One thing you lack,' he said. 'Go, sell everything you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.' At this the man’s face fell. He went away sad, because he had great wealth."

-Mark 10:21-22

"I don’t want to be the rich young ruler.


This story makes me teary today. What breaks my heart is the rich young ruler, his face fell as he walked away sad, and he will NEVER KNOW what Jesus would have done with his YES. Jesus saw him, Jesus loved him, and then Jesus invited him into a story that we will never know either. Because he wasn’t willing to give up when he knew for what Jesus knew.


What if he said YES and sold everything and changed the world? What if he said YES and started to walk away, and Jesus stopped him and said, “your willingness is what I needed.” And then his finances doubled. What if he said YES and saw an entire community come out of poverty because of what he gave. We will just NEVER KNOW what Jesus was planning to do with that young man’s YES. How deeply sad.


It scares me a little when I sense a similar invitation. It’s happened a few times, including when I moved to Nashville. It breaks my heart a little when Jesus invites me to give up something that I love. But gosh, I don’t want to be the rich young ruler and assume I know why Jesus is asking and what Jesus is doing. I just want to trust that His story is better than mine and when He invites me to a YES that costs me, He knows what He is doing.


Maybe it’s not money for us... maybe it is. Or maybe it is a dream or a hope or your time or a relationship or a piece of property or an old hurt or the city you live in or the job you have today. You cannot predict what Jesus is going to do with the YES you give in response to His invitation. But I can, with full confidence, predict for you whether a costly YES to Jesus will be worth it. It will. Your face will not fall, you will not walk away sad, you will not miss out on the adventure of Jesus writing your story. I’ve known it to be true before. I believe it will be true again."

-Annie F. Downs


Photos From March

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Tim Beavis: Preparing for Relaunch


Higher Up Ministries: April Update