Anchor Church: A Call from Japan


World Changers

As the time of resolutions starts to draw near, it’s amazing to realize when you’ve reached a goal. When Nick and I first dreamt of starting Anchor Church in Champaign-Urbana, we had three things in mind when we felt drawn to this area:

1. 65% of people are non-religious.

 2. The median age is 27.1.

3. Finally, it’s full of World Changers.

Yesterday, we were on a video call with someone in Japan and she decided to join our Launch Team. If you would have told me this last summer, honestly, I would have been confused. I would have thought - weren’t we supposed to reach people in Champaign-Urbana, not in Japan?

But, now, I see through the chaos of this year - the constant pivoting, moving services online, and trying our best to create community while not being in the same room - God can and does far more than we can ask or even imagine. Throughout 2020, we’ve learned how to reach people not only in central Illinois, but all over the world.

We’ve just started to reach those World Changers that we told you about last summer and in a way that we never would have guessed. In 2020, we have had people from nine different countries who joined our Launch Team.

So, as you start to think about your New Years Resolutions, dream big, and realize that our God can do far more than we can ask or even imagine.


Through out 2020, Anchor has had the privilege to have people from El Salvador, Ghana, India, Japan, The Congo, United Arab of Emeritus, Bangladesh, & Nigeria join us. Some are going back to their home countries after school, others are already in those countries, and some are immigrants to the US.

Prayer Requests

Pray for our Grand Opening on January 10, 2021! We have officially decided it’s going to be virtual. Honestly, this is a disappointment but we are trying to follow where God is leading us and use this to our advantage. 

Pray for our 41 Launch Team members! We are so excited to almost have reached the goal of 50 people on the team. Please pray that we reach that goal by January 10th!

Pray for our vision of 2021. We’ve decided to choose a word for the year: Serve. We want to serve each other, serve those who are searching online, and serve those in our community through partnering with other non profit organizations. 

Pray for one of the members, Martha, who was just diagnosed with breast cancer last month. 

Pray for wisdom and energy for us, as we continue to navigate decisions.

Pray for our church to feel connected to each other. Pray for our 6 group leaders. Pray for strong friendships to grow through our groups. 

Pray for the five people that Nick & I are discipling through bi-weekly, 1:1 meetings. 

Pray for boldness for our Launch Team to invite to our Grand Opening.

Pray for those who are on our Launch Team who have yet to make the decision to know Jesus. Pray that God would reveal Himself to them!

Praise God for working in us and through us in 2020!

We’re so thankful for you! Merry Christmas!

Nick & Hannah


Tim Beavis: Christmas Greetings & Thanks from one of our Pastors


Tim Beavis: Light in Darkness - Training Leaders for the Global Church