Tim and Lisa Beavis: November Update


Tim & Lisa Beavis Ministry Update                                                    November, 2019

Training Hundreds, Impacting Thousands

As you are receiving this update, Tim is in the Philippines where he will be training pastors and ministering in communities across 3 of the country’s major islands.  The first port of call, after a few days of meetings in Iloilo, will be Cebu.  Here Tim will be preaching in local churches and training a group of 60 pastors. While some of these men are ministering in the regions around Cebu, others will be traveling in from the area where they are serving the Lord, including regions that are hostile to the gospel such as Mindanao (a major island in the Philippines with an overwhelmingly Muslim population, including many fundamentalist groups).  After finishing in Cebu, Tim will travel up to the metro-Manila area where again he will minister in local churches and teach a week-long training course for around 25 Pastors and church leaders.  Then, before heading home to celebrate Thanksgiving, he will spend some time in the mountain region around Baguio (northern Philippines) where he will again be preaching and leading a Pastor’s Conference that will be attended by more than 120 leaders from the surrounding provinces.
As you might imagine, it will be a busy and tiring trip, so please pray for strength and stamina as well as great fruit.  Nevertheless, this trip is a great example of what our team is doing all year round, and all over the globe.  We believe that training Pastors and leaders in areas where solid Biblical teaching and equipping isn’t easily available is both vital and incredibly strategic!  

The 200 or so pastors that Tim will be training in the Philippines represent approximately 10,000 men, women and children in the churches that they lead – all of whom will be impacted because of your partnership with us! Imagine, what our God might choose to do with 10,000 Biblically strong and missionally minded believers representing Christ in their own communities.

Prayer Requests

  • Pray for good health, rest and strength as Tim ministers in the Philippines through November 20.

  • Pray for Lisa and the children while Tim is traveling.

  • Pray that we would have wisdom concerning how to see the ministry of Carey expand at a healthy pace into more fields around the world. We are receiving many requests and need discernment as to which ones to explore.

  • Pray that the Lord will raise up more team members to serve along-side us as the ministry grows.

  • Pray that the Lord will raise up more financial partners to support us in the work so that we can be fully funded, and that our end of year giving goal of $12,000 will be fully met and exceeded.


Bruce and Marti Brumfield: November Update


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