Hope Church: A Special Message From the Carters

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Happy Spring!

I won't rub it in too much, but we have hit gardening season here in Knoxville! Along with the changing seasons, we have a lot of exciting changes happening currently for our family and our community!

Nichole recently started a local thrifting and resale business that not only has opened the door to so many new relationships, but has given her the opportunity to love on our community by displaying generosity and raising awareness about needs and organizations in our community.

Norah is seven months old now, and is quickly learning how to move around the house. Izzy has a lot of exciting plans for the summer that include her first day-camp experience, hiking, and mountain biking!

Our communities are growing in more ways than one! Not only are we building relationships and progressing toward planting new communities, but we are having lots of babies! We are currently expecting four newborns across our communities this year in addition to the three newborns last year!  

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Discipleship Intensive - Twice a month, we gather leaders from each Hope Community for training and equipping. We will begin our second 6-month cohort in July and are praying for 10 new people to commit to the training.

We are multiplying communities! Both our communities are planning on sending out new communities in the next few months. In April, two families from our Parkridge house community will be initiating a new community for their unchurched neighbors and friends in a northside neighborhood of Knoxville called Powell. Check out the video below to hear Daniel and Catie Carter share a little bit about their journey here in Knoxville and their hopes for what God is going to do through this new community. We have a couple other families who are dreaming about missional initiatives that would bring about new organic Jesus-centered communities. Bryan and Hannah Loomis, who are a part of the Parkridge community, will be starting a Knoxville movie lovers club, and hosting viewings all summer in their backyard. Their hope is to build intentional relationships with unchurched and dechurched people in their neighborhood and across the city around a shared interest.

You can listen to the teachings from our Renewal Nights on Apple Podcast and Spotify. Daniel Carter shared a message on February 7th is titled "Jesus and the Sword".

As a new church, focused on meeting dechurched and unchurched people where they are at, outside giving is essential and goes a long way. If you would like to make a contribution to what God is doing through Hope Knoxville, you can set up one-time and recurring gifts at http://hopeknoxville.org/give

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Thank you for all you to support and encourage me, my family, and our faith community! I am so grateful for you!

Charley Dever


Mitchell's Update (March 2021)


Tom & Michele: Molbog Discipleship Center