Kimberly Taylor: Central Asia 2.0

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In just 4 days I leave with a team of 6 volunteers for Central Asia! I will be in the same part of the world as my previous Central Asia trip, although not in the same country. The above picture I took during my previous time in that region. This trip is similar to the others I've been a part of. We will be conducting vision clinics in remote villages and expect to see anywhere from 500-1200 people. If you remember from my trip in January, we had over 100 people make decisions for Christ! We are praying for similar fruit from this trip and that our presence would help increase the effectiveness of the local staff. Our mission is always the same, to Relieve Suffering, Restore Dignity, and Reveal Hope. Would you be praying that we fulfill these objectives and see the Lord move in powerful ways?

If you have a phone, computer, or television, I'm sure you're no stranger to the widespread concern and fear regarding COVID19. Thus far, our travel plans have not been affected and no entry restrictions have been placed on American travelers. For being a country that is close to China, they've surprisingly not seen any cases of the virus within their borders. We have closely analyzed the situation and are still planning to go. However, we will be traveling through international airports and know that the situation is developing daily. Please keep our team in your prayers. Pray for...

  • Smooth travel itinerary. No canceled flights or additional travel bans.

  • Quick screening and clearing through customs.Health for all the team members prior to the trip and throughout.

  • Peace of mind for loved ones back home.

On a lighter note!

On February 21st, William Shephard Hale was introduced to this world! Shepard (as he'll be called) is my first nephew among 4 nieces! I was given permission to work remotely for a few day so I could visit my sister and be here to help with the baby. Like most babies, Shepard likes to eat, sleep, and poop. He's a gift to our family and I can't wait for the many facetime calls to happen with Aunt Kimmie! 


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