Tom & Michele: Merry Christmas!


Tom and Michele

Merry Christmas!


Drinkwater Products

Tom, Zach, and Ellie visited Drinkwater Products this month. The company sells pipeline scrapers and flanges for the oil and gas industry. By God's grace, we will begin this Business as Mission endeavor in East Asia. First, this will help Zach and Ellie get a business visa. Second, it will provide income to bring sustainable help to persecuted believers and refugees. Third, the business is very relational in nature, as customer service is essential. Thus, the business will help us build relationships and spread the good news.


The ladies in the O'Brien family gathered today to make Christmas cookies in keeping with their tradition of baking cookies with Mom each year. It was Mom and Dad's 67th wedding anniversary today.

Prayer Requests


Pray for teams to be mobilized to countries in East Asia, from Mongolia to Indonesia.Pray for wisdom as we make preparations for the blueberry and Drinkwater Products projects in East Asia.Pray for opportunities to encourage and evangelize others in the nine Bible studies we lead or attend weekly.Pray for our return to East Asia. Our country's current COVID policy ends on December 31. We are checking into what new measures we need to take in order to comply. Pray that the country will open up and we can return home.

We wish you all a very merry Christmas. We will be celebrating the birth of our Lord Jesus with our children and grandchildren through Tuesday. Then we will all gather again at Tom's Dad's home in Wadsworth, IL on Christmas.

In Him,

Tom and Michele


Hope Church: Merry Christmas from Hope Church Knoxville!


Tim Beavis: Christmas Greetings & Thanks from one of our Pastors