Tom & Michele: We are Blessed!


Philippines Trip     

We visited the Philippines from January 7-15.  We were able to help each of our teams, coach them in making team covenants, and minister to Filipinos.  One of the highlights of the trip was meeting with the Lanao Development Team and the MMKI elders.
MMKI Tablon Church
Our elders meeting was held on our new beach property purchased by Perfectly Natural Herbs in September 2019.  It is 4 acres with a wide beach area.  The believers have been praying for this for two years in order to build a Christian camp. If any of you have experience in developing/building a camp and desire to do a short term trip to help the elders plan the site, please let us know.

Also, praise the Lord that Perfectly Natural Herbs has done well again in 2019.  The ministry has supported over 50 workers who are sharing the gospel, donated toward many projects, like the water system for our Molbog team, purchased the camp property, and are looking toward developing the site in 2020.  Pray as the elders plan for the site's dedication, it's first baptismal service, and the ordination of additional elders this coming April 2020.



We then traveled to Bali, Indonesia, from Manila, to spend time with our team ministering among Balinese Hindus.  Daniel and Karrie are in the process of organizing a short term team of pastors to visit Bali during the second week of May 2020.  Are you interested?  The purpose of the trip is to show the needs among the Hindu, Muslim, and Nominal Christian populations of Indonesia. Then, these pastors can return home and recruit teams to send out to these least-reached peoples.  Let us know if you are interested and we can connect you to this Christar initiative.


Prayer Requests:

  • Pray for abundant seed sowing and a good partnership with Shan, Nate, and IRM.

  • Pray for preparation of programs and for our upcoming training in March.

  • Pray for the weekly Bible teaching in the El Shaddai preschool. This ministry is ongoing.  We have 60 students now. 

  • Praise that Yasmin's family was accepted last week to immigrate to Canada.  Pray for a continued smooth process until they reach the west sometime in early March.

  • Pray for Noras who was denied to immigrate to Canada.  He is currently in an appeals process.  His sponsoring church in Canada is helping him also.

  • Pray that our disciples will be gathered soon for worship.

  • Praise that Zach and Ellie are at full support.  They will be joining us this coming February 29, 2020. Pray for a smooth transition for them to our team.

  • Pray for the dedication of the MMKI Camp site in April 2020.

  • Pray for God to raise up more laborers in Indonesia.

  • Pray for our trip in early February to minister to our workers from the Far East. Pray for safety for all in light of the spreading virus in Asia.


Tom and Michele


Bruce and Marti Brumfield: January Update


Kimberly Taylor: Travels to Southeast Asia