Tim Beavis (August 2024)

Fruitful Work & An Important Announcement

As summer begins to draw to a close and many are preparing for the new school year, we are rejoicing in God's faithfulness.  Our Carey team have had a fruitful summer, equipping hundreds of pastors across 7 different countries, including, the Philippines, Madagascar, Myanmar, Uganda and Tanzania.  We invite you to keep reading below to learn more about Tim's s recent trip to Tanzania and to watch the 4 minute video that he recorded there last week.

While the movement toward the end of summer marks a time of preparation for the fall season ahead, Carey is also preparing to move into a new season.  Earlier this year, our Founder and President, Dr. Bob Penhearow announced his upcoming retirement to our board and presented Tim to them as his recommended successor to serve as the new President.  Over the past few months, Tim met with our full staff team and with the international board who unanimously voted to install him as the new President beginning September 1.  We invite you to watch  the announcement video below and also to read more about the details Tim's new role.  Please join us in praying for grace and wisdom for Tim as he leads Carey's work forward as well as for our whole ministry team during this exciting time of transition.  

We'd love to hear from you if you have any questions or to schedule a time for one of our team to share more about the incredible things that God is doing in the global church through Carey.  In the meantime, please do take a few minutes to watch the videos below.  We're sure that you'll be encouraged.
Finally, thank you once again for your continued partnership in the with us in the work of the gospel.

Tim & Lisa Beavis

Training Pastors and Leaders in Tanzania

In July Tim travelled along with one of our new volunteer team, Reeves Flint, to the region of Mwanza on the shore of Lake Victoria.  Despite the global disruptions caused by the Crowdstrike computer glitch, we both made it safely to Tanzania.

After a day of preaching and ministry in local churches in Mwanza, we began our training modules, teaching on the book of Hebrews and on Expository Preaching.  It was exciting to see the hunger of the 40 pastors and leaders who gathered each day from all across the region, and who stayed fully engaged through the whole 2-weeks of 8-hour a day teaching.  Our time with them culminated with their final assignment which was to preach an expository sermon from an Old Testament narrative text, revealing how it points us to Christ.  As each pastor took their turn to preach the whole group then provided feedback and encouragement to help them in their continued journey of faithfully preaching and teaching the Scriptures.

At the end of each day of teaching, Tim spent an additional hour working with a small group of 5 leaders who will be pursuing their bachelor's degree with us with the hope that some of them will eventually serve as teachers with Carey to equip other indigenous  leaders across Tanzania.  While the main teaching times in Mwanza are conducted with translation into Swahili, this tutor group is fully in English and allows not only deeper integration over the topics addressed during the teaching day, but these discussion also deal with with extensive reading and writing assignments that these high capacity leaders are engaging with.

As in all our training centers, each one of the 40 pastors received teaching notes in their heart language to follow along with the training and to use as a resource to teach others.  However, because of the generosity of one of our donors, we were able to present each of our 5 high-capacity leaders with a digital tablet loaded preloaded with a library of books and resources that will enable them to complete their degree level assignments and serve as a resource for them in their respective ministries.

During this trip, Tim was also able to travel out to one of the remote villages where Pastor Moses is serving a small congregation.  We enjoyed fellowship with the believers there and  worshipped together under the Mango tree that serves as the church's home since it has no facility of its own.

We praise God for the continuing work of investing in these pastors and leaders and for the impact that it is having on their lives and on the lives of the thousands that they are reaching with the good news of Jesus Christ.

More details on Tim's new role as Carey's President

As Tim steps into this new role as Carey's President he will continue to be involved in training pastors in our global centers. This part of his role will be slightly reduced however, in order to make room for the additional responsibilities of strategic leadership of Carey's 3 international entities (Carey is a 501c3 in the USA and a registered charity in Canada and the UK).  We also have a small publishing arm aimed at providing Biblically sound books and resources in the heart-language of the pastors that we serve around the world.

Carey has 9 outstanding team members on our staff in addition to a group of 15 field coordinators and translators, and nearly 30 volunteer teachers.  As Carey's new President, Tim will work closely with this diverse team to strengthen our ministry activities and expand our impact in the years ahead.  He will also represent Carey at conferences and in churches, as we tell the story of what our great God is doing through His church around the globe.

As a ministry organization, all of our front-line team, including the president, serve in a missionary capacity and are responsible for raising their own financial support.  We would like to invite you to continue in your financial partnership and prayer with Tim as he moves into this new role.

Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns or if you are interested in inviting Tim or a member of our team to speak at your church, small group or ministry event.


David & Rebecca Pater (September 2024)


David & Rebecca Pater (May-June 2024)