Tim Beavis: Training Pastors in Remote Regions

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Taking the Good News to Remote Regions

Our work of training Pastors and leaders takes our team to some of the biggest cities in the world and some of the smallest villages.  Whether it be in Manila or Cairo, or Kengtung and Bayankhongor, the people that we meet are desperately in need of the gospel, the believers are hungry for the Word, and the Pastors are pleading for encouragement and training.  Despite some unexpected scheduling changes due to civil unrest and the impact of the Coronavirus, our team has been diligently working to minister to hundreds of pastors this month.  (Be sure to scroll down and read about our national pastors who are stepping up to join our training team.)

A part of this work, Tim will be leaving in just a few days, traveling to Kengtung in the mountainous region of northern Myanmar (Burma).  This is one of our more remote fields (it will take him 3 days of traveling in each direction), but the need of pastoral training in this overwhelmingly Buddhist country is very clear.  During his time there he will be preaching and teaching in several different mountain villages and training around 60 pastors who will gather from the surrounding region.  During this training time, the focus will be on teaching these leaders to study the Bible and apply its messages accurately and effectively to their ministry environment. We'll be digging directly into the books of Jonah and Titus as we equip them to rightly divide the word of truth.  Most of these men have had very little education (average is about 3rd grade level) and the only Bible and theology training they have ever had access to is what we have provided over the past year and half.  Keep an eye out for our next update with video and pictures from the field.

As always, thank you for your prayers, generous financial support and faithful partnership in the work of the gospel.
Tim & Lisa


Nationals Training Nationals
Our goal is to follow the principle of 2 Timothy 2:2, "What you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses entrust to faithful men who will be able to teach others also."  That's why we get so excited when we see some of the men that we have had the privilege of being able to train joining our teaching team.  Over this past month Pastor Warlito Monsalud (Iloilo, Philippines) taught courses for us in both Cebu and Cavite (Philippines), and the photo above shows another of our national leaders (we can't give his name for security reasons) training some of our pastors near Hyderabad, India.
Your partnership with us in this work is an investment in generations of leaders for the global church.

Prayer Requests

  • Pray for a safe journey and good health for Tim as he travels to Myanmar.  Pray also for fruitful ministry in the villages and through the training center.

  • Pray for peace and protection for Lisa and the children while Tim is traveling (this is also busy season with school activities for Elizabeth, Emily and Ben).

  • Pray for the pastors that we train in regions that are currently being affected by the Coronavirus.  One of our pastors told us that they are still required to stay in their home and only one family member is allowed to go outside, once per week, to get essentials.

  • Pray for the Lord's continued provision of our needs as we still need more partners to move towards becoming fully supported.  We have also just received news that we have a major home repair issue to address.

On the Calendar

Feb 16 - Tim preaching at Cornerstone Church, Lansing, IL.
Feb 23 - Tim and Lisa presenting at Highland Community Church, Highland, IL
Feb 26 - Depart for Myanmar and Thailand Ministry Trip
Mar 15, 22 & 29 - Tim preaching at Springbrook Church, Huntley, IL
Apr 13-17 Together for the gospel conference, Louisville, KY


Dan Alcantara: Notes From Warsaw 04


David & Rebecca Pater: Updates from France - Jan & Feb 2020