33 Days through the Old Testament: Day 28 David and Goliath

33 Days Through the OT - Day 28.jpg

Learn the Big Idea:

God uses anyone who trusts Him.

Read the Passage: 1 Samuel 17

Story Time with Ms Stephanie

Watch the Video:

Tell the Story: CLICK HERE to view the story slides

NOTE: If you click on the first slide it will go full screen and a script will be on the bottom of the screen.

Discuss the Questions:

  1. What army was Israel getting ready to fight?  (The Philistines)

  2. What was the name of their greatest warrior?  (Goliath)

  3. How tall was Goliath?  (About 9 feet tall)

  4. When Goliath challenged an Israelite to fight him, what did the Israelites do?  (They were afraid and sent no one)

  5. Why was David at the battlefield?  (He brought food for his brothers)

  6. When David heard Goliath, what did he offer to do?

  7. What was the problem when Saul put his armor on David?  (It was too big, he couldn’t move)

  8. What did David bring to do battle against Goliath?  (A slingshot and 5 smooth stones)

  9. Where did David hit Goliath with his first stone? (It sank in his forehead)

  10. What can we learn from David?  (No one is too young or too small to be used by the Lord)

Memorize the Verse with Ms. Stephanie:

Have some Fun:

Sing some Songs:


33 Days through the Old Testament: Day 29 David and Jonathan


33 Days through the Old Testament: Day 27 Samuel is Called