Moses Was Born and Called


This week’s Redemption Kids lesson is about the story of Moses!

Sunday's Story Time

Tuesday’s Tales

Friday Family Fun

Sunday Story Time

Each Sunday we have a story time, discussion time, worship time, and close by recapping the lesson.

Story Time

Start by reading this week’s lesson to your children, or by having them read it to you. Then watch this week’s lesson video.

Read the Passage: Exodus 1-4 (ESV)

If you’re looking for the story in one of the many incredible children’s Bibles, check these out:

Watch the Video: Check out this morning’s lesson from Pastor Robin how Moses talked to “fire.”

Discussion Time

After watching the video, ask the following questions to further teach and apply today’s lesson.

Minis/Littles Discussion Questions

Ask the following questions, leading discussion as suggested:

  1. How did the Israelite mother keep her baby boy safe? (hid him, put him in a basket at the river’s edge)

  2. Who found the baby boy in the basket? (the princess of Egypt)

  3. What did the princess name the baby? (Moses)

  4. What did God want Moses to do? (God chose Moses to save His people)

  5. What did God tell Moses to say if people asked His name? (I AM WHO I AM)

  6. Is there anything God cannot do? (God can do all things)

Bigs/Elementary Discussion Questions

Ask the following questions, leading discussion as suggested:

  1. Why did the new pharaoh fear the Israelites? (They outnumbered Egyptians, and Pharaoh thought they might side with Egypt’s enemies; Ex. 1:8-10).

  2. What did Moses’ mother do to protect him? (placed him in a basket and set it near the banks of the Nile, Ex. 2:3-4).

  3. Why did Moses flee to Midian? (Moses killed an Egyptian, and Pharaoh found out; Ex. 2:12-15)

  4. What does it mean for God to call Himself “I AM”? (Guide the kids to discuss the idea that God has always existed and always will exist. Help them think through the idea that we cannot fully understand God, but His name reveals that He exists, His existence holds everything together, and He is unchanging).

  5. Why can it be hard to obey God? (Guide kids to discuss times they disobeyed God. Help them think through what it means to be sinners living in a sinful world. Talk about how Jesus changed things for us. Remind kids that we can trust God to help us obey Him no matter what).

  6. What are some things God has told us to do? (Discuss some of the commands in Scripture that are general commands to all believers. Remind the kids that loving others, telling about Jesus, and honoring their parents are all commands, not suggestions. Discuss ways we can trust God to help us obey Him out of love, such as talking to Him and reading His Word).

Worship Time

Let’s stand up, lift our voices, raise our hands - and SING!

Minis/Little - Printable Lyrics

No God But Me

Your Heart, Soul, Mind

He Has Become My Salvation

Guide Me O Great Jehovah

You Are Good

Bigs/Elementary - Printable Lyrics

You Know No God But Me

Love the Lord Your King

The Lord is My Strength and Song

Guide Me O Great Jehovah

This is My God

Let’s Recap

We close each Sunday by recapping the the lesson with this week’s question & answer, big idea, and Bible verse that we’ll come back to throughout the week.

Big Picture Question: Is there anything God cannot do?

Big Picture Answer: God can do all things according to His character.

Key Passage: But I am the LORD your God from the land of Egypt; you know no God but me, and besides me there is no savior. - Hosea 13:4

Big Idea: God called Moses to deliver His people from capacity.

Bible Verse - Minis/Littles: God said to Moses, “I AM WHO I AM.” - Exodus 3:14

Bible Verse - Bigs/Elementary:  God said to Moses, “I AM WHO I AM.” - Exodus 3:14

Tuesday’s Tales

Story Time

Each Tuesday we take some time to watch a video that reinforces this week’s lesson.

Minis/Littles: Bible Story Video

Bigs/Elementary: FIRE!; Questions From Kids

Let’s Recap

Take some time to review this week’s question & answer, big idea, and Bible verse with your children

Big Picture Question: Is there anything God cannot do?

Big Picture Answer: God can do all things according to His character.

Key Passage: But I am the LORD your God from the land of Egypt; you know no God but me, and besides me there is no savior. - Hosea 13:4

Big Idea: God called Moses to deliver His people from capacity.

Bible Verse - Minis/Littles: God said to Moses, “I AM WHO I AM.” - Exodus 3:14

Bible Verse - Bigs/Elementary:  God said to Moses, “I AM WHO I AM.” - Exodus 3:14

Friday Family Fun

Activity Time

Each Friday we have some fun! Print out the activity sheets and use the Family Discussion & Activity Tips to engage with this week’s lesson.

Minis/Littles: Where Did Moses Go? (p11-12)

Bigs: Connect the Dots (p11-12)

Elementary: The Name of the Lord (p11-12)

Let’s Recap

Let’s see how much of this week’s lesson everyone remembers!

Big Picture Question: Is there anything God cannot do?

Big Picture Answer: God can do all things according to His character.

Key Passage: But I am the LORD your God from the land of Egypt; you know no God but me, and besides me there is no savior. - Hosea 13:4

Big Idea: God called Moses to deliver His people from capacity.

Bible Verse - Minis/Littles: God said to Moses, “I AM WHO I AM.” - Exodus 3:14

Bible Verse - Bigs/Elementary:  God said to Moses, “I AM WHO I AM.” - Exodus 3:14


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