Balaam and Balak


This week’s Redemption Kids lesson is about the story of Balaam and Balak!

Sunday's Story Time

Tuesday’s Tales

Friday Family Fun

Sunday Story Time

Each Sunday we have a story time, discussion time, worship time, and close by recapping the lesson.

Story Time

Start by reading this week’s lesson to your children, or by having them read it to you. Then watch this week’s lesson video.

Read the Passage: Numbers 22-24 (ESV)

Watch the Video: Check out this morning’s lesson from Pastor Robin about a talking donkey!!

Discussion Time

After watching the video, ask the following questions to further teach and apply today’s lesson.

Minis/Littles Discussion Questions

Ask the following questions, leading discussion as suggested:

  1. Why did the donkey stop? (The angel of the Lord was blocking the path)

  2. What did God make the donkey able to do? (talk)

  3. What did the angel tell Balaam? (“Go with these men. But only say what I tell you to say.”)

  4. Did Balaam bless or curse God’s people? (bless)

  5. Who is the mighty King that would be born to the people of Israel? (Jesus)

  6. What does it mean to sin? (To sin is to go against God and His commands)

Bigs/Elementary Discussion Questions

Ask the following questions, leading discussion as suggested:

  1. Why did Balak want Balaam to curse the Israelites? (Balak was afraid the Israelites would move into the land and take over, Num. 22:4-5)

  2. Who came to stop Balaam? (an angel of the Lord, Num. 22:22)

  3. Why did Balaam hit his donkey? (Balaam could not see why the donkey kept stopping, and he was angry; Num. 22:31-33)

  4. How did God use Balak’s sin to bless His people? Guide kids to discuss that Balak sinned by planning to have Balaam curse the Israelites, but God turned the situation around so that Balaam would bless them instead. God shows His great power when He changes difficult situations into blessings.

  5. When might we miss what God is doing around us, like Balaam did? Guide kids to see that we often desire sinful things. We often think that our plans will be better than God’s plans for us. When we chase after sinful things, we can miss out on being a part of God’s good plans.

  6. How does God show grace to sinners? Help kids see that God’s sending the angel to stop Balaam was gracious. Instead of letting Balak continue with his sinful plan, God changed those plans to fit His own good plans. God shows us grace though Jesus, who died to save us from sin so that we can be part of God’s plan to rescue sinners all over the world.

Worship Time (NEW SONGS!)

Let’s stand up, lift our voices, raise our hands - and SING!

Minis/Little - Printable Lyrics

Trust in the Lord

He Will Not Leave You

He Is Faithful

Onward Christian Soldier

He Watches Over Me

Printable Lyrics


Do Not Be Afraid

Faithful and Righteous

Onward Christian Solider

Waking By Your Side

Let’s Recap

We close each Sunday by recapping the the lesson with this week’s question & answer, big idea, and Bible verse that we’ll come back to throughout the week.

Big Picture Question: What does it mean to sin?

Big Picture Answer: To sin is to think, speak, or behave in any way that goes against God and His commands.

Big Idea: God commanded Balaam to bless His people.

Bible Verse to Memorize - Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths - Proverbs 3:5-6

Tuesday’s Tales

Story Time

Each Tuesday we take some time to watch a video that reinforces this week’s lesson.

Minis/Littles: Bible Story Video

Bigs/Elementary: Balaam and Balak; Questions From Kids

Let’s Recap

Take some time to review this week’s question & answer, big idea, and Bible verse with your children

Big Picture Question: What does it mean to sin?

Big Picture Answer: To sin is to think, speak, or behave in any way that goes against God and His commands.

Big Idea: God commanded Balaam to bless His people.

Bible Verse to Memorize - Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths - Proverbs 3:5-6

Friday Family Fun

Activity Time

Each Friday we have some fun! Print out the activity sheets and use the Family Discussion & Activity Tips to engage with this week’s lesson.

Minis/Littles: Balaam's Trip (p7-8)

Bigs: Clear Communicators (p7-8)

Elementary: Blessing Boxes (p7-8)

Let’s Recap

Let’s see how much of this week’s lesson everyone remembers!

Big Picture Question: What does it mean to sin?

Big Picture Answer: To sin is to think, speak, or behave in any way that goes against God and His commands.

Big Idea: God commanded Balaam to bless His people.

Bible Verse to Memorize - Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths - Proverbs 3:5-6


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