Wisdom for God’s People


Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Songs

Continue the conversation throughout the week with your kids by asking them questions pertaining to the lesson from Sunday at Redemption Kids.

The questions asked below were asked on Sunday during our time at Redemption Kids. Take some time to read the passage together, discuss the questions, watch a BRAND NEW video of the lesson, memorize the Bible verse, and remember the big idea of this week!

Ask the Questions

Minis/Littles Discussion Questions

  1. Which books of the Bible did we learn from today? (Proverbs; Ecclesiastes;)

  2. What is wisdom? (Wisdom is loving God and obeying His Word)

  3. Can wisdom save us from sin? (No! Only Jesus can save us from sin)

  4. How does wisdom help us? (helps us be like Jesus)

  5. What does God know? (God knows everything)

Bigs/Elementary Discussion Questions

  1. How are a gentle answer and a harsh word different? (The first stops anger, the second causes anger; Prov. 15:1)

  2. What do fools like to show off? (their own opinions, Prov. 18:2)

  3. Who should fear God and obey His commands? (all of humanity, Eccl. 12:13)

  4. Why is it wise to obey God? Guide kids to discuss who God is and what God knows. Remind them that God knows everything about the past, present, and future. Because God knows everything; is perfectly good; and is sovereign over all; we can trust all His commands. It is wise to obey God because He knows how life works best. He wants what is good for us.

  5. Can we be wise without Jesus? Guide kids to see that although we can show some signs of wisdom, any person who rejects Jesus is making the most foolish decision possible. No matter what we might gain in our current lives, only Jesus can give us eternal life with God. Trusting in Jesus is the ultimate show of wisdom.

  6. Why can’t wisdom save us? Guide kids to see that no amount of wisdom can make us perfect or righteous. Only Jesus is perfect and righteous. He died for our sin so that we could be made righteous through Him. Wisdom helps us make good choices and see that we need Jesus, but only Jesus can save us from our sin.

Watch the Videos

Minis/Littles: Solomon + Wisdom

Bigs/Elementary: Solomon + Wisdom; Questions From Kids

Remember the 3 B’s

Big Picture Question: What does God know? God knows everything about the past, present, and future.

Big Idea: Wisdom is fearing the Lord and obeying His Word.

Bible Verse to Memorize - If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to al without reproach, and it will be given him. - James 1:5


Solomon Built the Temple


Solomon Asked for Wisdom