Jesus Was Born

Luke 2

Continue the conversation throughout the week with your kids by asking them questions pertaining to the lesson from Sunday at Redemption Kids.

The questions asked below were asked on Sunday during our time at Redemption Kids. Take some time to read the passage together, discuss the questions, watch a BRAND NEW video of the lesson, memorize the Bible verse, and remember the big idea of this week!

Ask the Questions

Minis/Littles Discussion Questions

  1. Where did Joseph and Mary travel when she was pregnant with Baby Jesus? (to Bethlehem)

  2. Where did Joseph and Mary stay in Bethlehem? (in a place where animals were kept)

  3. Who appeared to the shepherds? (an angel, angels)

  4. What was the angel’s message? (Today a Savior was born for you. Go find the baby.)

  5. Is Jesus God or a human? Jesus is both fully God and fully human.

Bigs/Elementary Discussion Questions

  1. Why did Mary and Joseph travel to Bethlehem? (to be registered in the census, Luke 2:1-5)

  2. Why was Jesus laid in a manger? (The e was no guest room available, Luke 2:7)

  3. Who were Jesus’ first visitors? shepherds, Luke 2:8,16)

  4. Why is Jesus’ birth so incredible? Guide kids to discuss both the unusual circumstances of Jesus’ arrival—such as the angel choirs proclaiming His birth—and the miraculous nature of Jesus’ full divinity being wrapped in full humanity. Remind kids that Jesus the Messiah had been promised to come for thousands of years, and God is faithful.

  5. Why is it important that Jesus came as a human baby? Help kids understand that God’s plan to destroy sin required a perfect sacrifice. esus’ birth as a human meant that He could grow up and lay down His life for us. He could live the perfect human life we are unable to live and die the kind of death we deserve. Jesus’ full humanity is why He could die to save humans.

  6. Why is it important that Jesus remained God? Explain that Jesus’ nature as fully God is what allowed Him to bear the weight of God’s punishment for sin in a human body. The complete p wer of God in Jesus also gave Him the power to reject temptation and live a perfectly sinless life.

Watch the Videos

Minis/Littles: Jesus Was Born

Bigs/Elementary: Jesus Was Born; Questions from Kids

Remember the 3 B’s

Big Picture Question: Is Jesus God or a human? As the Son of God, Jesus is both fully God and fully human.

Big Idea: Jesus was born to be God’s promised Savior.

Bible Verse to Memorize - In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God - John 1:1-2

Practice Catechism

Question 19: Is there any way to escape punishment and be brought back into God’s favor?

Answer: Yes, God reconciles us to himself by a Redeemer.

Download New City Catechism and learn more HERE!


Jesus Was Dedicated


John Was Born