Jesus Calmed a Storm

Matthew 8; Mark 4; Luke 8

Continue the conversation throughout the week with your kids by asking them questions pertaining to the lesson from Sunday at Redemption Kids.

The questions asked below were asked on Sunday during our time at Redemption Kids. Take some time to read the passage together, discuss the questions, watch a BRAND NEW video of the lesson, memorize the Bible verse, and remember the big idea of this week!

Ask the Questions

Bigs Discussion Questions

  1. What was Jesus doing when the storm hit the boat? (sleeping, Mark 4:38)

  2. How did Jesus calm the storm? (by speaking, Mark 4:39)

  3. How did the disciples react to Jesus’ miracle? (They were terrified and asked who Jesus was, Mark 4:41)

  4. Why do you think the disciples were afraid?

    Direct the kids to think more deeply than the simple answer of the storm they faced. Help them see that their fear came from a lack of understanding of and trust in who Jesus is. If they had known who Jesus is and trusted Him completely even in the storm, they would not have been afraid.

  5. How do you react to scary or hard situations?

    Guide kids to answer honestly. Discuss when it is hard or easy to trust God. Be sensitive if any kids share about abuse or neglect, and ensure you follow all proper reporting procedures according to the laws where you live and your church’s policies.

  6. How can we know that Jesus is trustworthy no matter what?

    Prompt kids to provide ways we can know Jesus is trustworthy. Remind them that God’s Word is true, and it teaches us to trust Jesus. Jesus is God the Son, and the Bible teaches us that He has control over all of creation. We also know that God only does what is good and right. Everything He does is for His glory and our good.

Elementary Discussion Questions

  1. What would you have thought if you saw Jesus sleeping through the storm that day?

    Invite kids to share their thoughts. Perhaps Jesus’ sleeping might seem like He did not care. Emphasize that even if God seems silent in our difficult situations, He is always near and always at work—often in ways we do not expect. He does everything for His glory and our good.

  2. What can you do when you feel afraid of what is happening around you?

    Remind kids that when the disciples were afraid during the storm, they turned to Jesus for help. We can look to Jesus in faith every day. We can look to Him to rescue us from sin, and we can ask for His help to live in a way that honors Him. Even when we feel afraid or doubt God, we can cry out to Him. Jesus cares. He will answer, and—like the disciples did—we can worship Him.

  3. What do you know to be true about God that can help you have peace in hard situations?

    Lead kids to recognize that we can trust that God is in control and has power over everything, even when times are hard. Trusting God gives us peace that can show the world that He is mighty. Jesus proved that He can be trusted. His miracles, teaching, death, and resurrection showed that He is who He says He is. Only Jesus can save us when we look to Him in faith.

Watch the Videos

Remember the 3 B’s

Big Picture Question: Why did Jesus perform miracles? Jesus performed miracles to glorify God, to show He is the Son of God, and to care for people.

Big Idea: Jesus calmed a storm to show the disciples He is God.

Bible Verse to Memorize -You have multiplied, O Lord my God, your wondrous deeds and your thoughts toward us; none can compare with you! I will proclaim and tell of them, yet they are more than can be told. Psalm 40:5

Practice Catechism

Question 38: With what attitude should we pray?

Answer: With love, perseverance, and gratefulness; in humble submission to God’s will, knowing that, for the sake of Christ, he always hears our prayers.

Download New City Catechism and learn more HERE!


Jesus Fed a Crowd


The Good Shepherd