Jesus Appeared to the Disciples

Luke 24; John 20

Continue the conversation throughout the week with your kids by asking them questions pertaining to the lesson from Sunday at Redemption Kids.

The questions asked below were asked on Sunday during our time at Redemption Kids. Take some time to read the passage together, discuss the questions, watch a BRAND NEW video of the lesson, memorize the Bible verse, and remember the big idea of this week!

Ask the Questions

Bigs Discussion Questions

  1. Why did the disciples lock themselves indoors?

    They feared those who had killed Jesus, John 20:19

  2. Which disciple wasn’t there? (Thomas, John 20:24)

  3. What evidence did Thomas say he would need to believe Jesus rose?

    to see and touch Jesus’ wounds, John 20:25

  4. Was it sinful for Thomas to demand proof?

    Discuss Thomas’ reaction. Scripture isn’t clear on whether Thomas’ reaction was sinful or not, but he wasn’t just doubtful—he refused to believe. Additionally, Thomas was ignoring the evidence that had already been presented: Jesus told them He would rise again, and when the other disciples told Thomas they’d seen Jesus, he still refused to believe.

  5. Is it wrong to want evidence before believing something?

    Ensure the kids understand that having doubts isn’t wrong. Remind them that we shouldn’t believe something on blind faith—that is, with no evidence at all. Help them see that we have lots of evidence that the Bible is true, and the Bible itself is evidence that Jesus is who He said He is.

  6. What should we do when we doubt?

    Guide kids to think through whom they can talk to if they have doubts about their faith or the Bible. Remind them that they are not alone. Pray for them to have faith despite occasional doubt.

Elementary Discussion Questions

  1. Why did Thomas doubt that Jesus was alive when the other disciples believed?

    Help kids recognize that Thomas was not with the disciples the first time Jesus appeared to them as a group. He didn’t get to see Jesus, so He didn’t believe.

  2. How are we blessed by believing in Jesus without seeing Him?

    Lead kids to recall that when we believe in Jesus, we have forgiveness and eternal life. We will have peace and power through Him.

  3. What can we do when we doubt what is true?

    Assure kids that when they have questions about the Bible, Jesus, or their faith, it’s OK to ask them. Encourage kids to talk with one of their leaders to help answer any questions. Remind them they can pray, asking God to speak to them through His Word and His Spirit to clear away their doubts.

Watch the Videos

Remember the 3 B’s

Big Picture Question: Where is Jesus now? Jesus ascended to heaven where He is seated at the right hand of the Father.

Big Idea: Jesus proved He is alive.

Bible Verse to Memorize - Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in me, though he die, yet shall he live. - John 11:25

Practice Catechism

Question 4: How and why did God create us?

Answer: God created us male and female in his own image to know him, love him, live with him, and glorify him. And it is right that we who were created by God should live to his glory.

Download New City Catechism and learn more HERE!


Jesus Returned to Heaven


The Emmaus Disciples