Ananias and Sapphira

Acts 4–5

Continue the conversation throughout the week with your kids by asking them questions pertaining to the lesson from Sunday at Redemption Kids.

The questions asked below were asked on Sunday during our time at Redemption Kids. Take some time to read the passage together, discuss the questions, watch a BRAND NEW video of the lesson, memorize the Bible verse, and remember the big idea of this week!

Ask the Questions

Bigs Discussion Questions

  1. What did those who believed in Jesus share with other believers? (everything they had)

  2. Who sold a field and gave all the money to Jesus’ disciples? (Barnabas)

  3. Who sold some land and pretended to give all the money to the disciples? (Ananias and Sapphira)

  4. What happened to Ananias and Sapphira because they lied? (God punished them; they fell down dead)

  5. What is the church? The church is all Christians everywhere.

Elementary Discussion Questions

  1. Who sold his land and gave all the money to the church? (Joseph, also called Barnabas; Acts 4:36-37)

  2. When Ananias and Sapphira sold their land, did they give all the money? (No, Acts 5:1-2)

  3. Why did Ananias and Sapphira die? (They lied to God, Acts 5:3-4, 8-9)

  4. Why does God want us to give money to the church?

    Help kids see that God doesn’t need our money. Remind them that all of creation belongs to Him. He created us and needs nothing from us. Help them see that God’s desire for us is to experience the joy that comes from generous giving. He allows us to be a part of His wonderful mission to save sinners, and He wants us to be cheerful in the way we participate, including by

    giving generously.

  5. What are some ways we can give generously?

    Guide kids to think beyond just giving money. Help them think about ways they can give time or talent by serving the church. Explain that generosity is not about the amount you give but the attitude of your heart when you give.

  6. Do you think we should give even if we don’t want to?

    Encourage kids to answer this question honestly. Remind kids that sometimes the act of giving can help change our hearts to want to give. Help them see that refusal to give usually reveals sin in their hearts, even though not giving isn’t itself sinful.

Watch the Videos

Remember the 3 B’s

Big Picture Question: What is the church? The church is all Christians everywhere, who gather together in their communities to worship and serve God.

Big Idea: Ananias and Sapphira lied about their gift to the church.

Bible Verse to Memorize - so we, though many, are one body in Christ, and individually members one of another. Romans 12:5

Practice Catechism

Question 11: What does God require in the sixth, seventh, and eighth commandments?

Answer: Sixth, that we do not hurt or hate our neighbor. Seventh, that we live purely and faithfully. Eighth, that we do not take without permission that which belongs to someone else.

Download New City Catechism and learn more HERE!


Stephen’s Sermon


Living Like Jesus