The Promise of a King (Isaiah 11)
Sermon Series: Behold, the King
Sermon Title: The Promise of a King
Sermon Text: Isaiah 11
Big Idea: Jesus is God’s promised King who reigns over God’s eternal kingdom.
1st Scene: The Reign of the King (v1-9)
1. Why he is fit to reign (v1-3a)
A. God's promised king will be born of royal lineage (v1)
B. God's promised king will be anointed by God's Spirit (v2)
2. How he will reign (v3b-5)
3. The impacted of his reign (v6-8)
A. A kingdom of reconciliation (v6)
B. A kingdom of restoration (v7)
C. A kingdom of redemption (v8)
4. The extent of his reign (v9)
A. God's holiness will permeate the entire earth
B. God's knowledge will penetrate every heart
2nd Scene: The Return of God's People (v10-16)
Big Idea: Jesus is God’s promised King who reigns over God’s eternal kingdom.