The Reminder of the King (Isaiah 65)
Sermon Series: Behold, the King
Sermon Title: The Reminder of the King
Sermon Text: Isaiah 65
Big Idea: We long for our perfect eternal home because we feel the brokenness of our earthly home
1. Remember God’s promise of salvation, secured by His promised King’s death (v1-16)
1st Reminder: God always moves first (v1)
2nd Reminder: God is always present, we’re just not always seeking His presence (v1-2)
3rd Reminder: God is always speaking, we’re just not always listening to His voice (v1-2)
4th Reminder: God defines the way in which He is to be worshiped (v3-5)
5th Reminder: Those who seek God will dwell in the abundant presence of God (v9-10)
6th Reminder: Those who seek God will dwell in the eternal presence of God (v15b-16)