Partnering with God (Matthew 9:37-10:15)


Sermon Series: Signs & Wonders

Sermon Title: Partnering with God

Sermon Text: Matthew 9:37-10:15

Sermon Notes

Big Idea: Since God has invited us to partner with him in fulfilling his Grand Story, we can find true purpose in living out that Grand Story to the world.

What is the Grand Story of the Bible?

  • The Grand Story is that God promises to redeem his creation through his people, and he invites his people to participate in that redemptive work through their obedience to him.

How does knowing the Grand Story of the Bible help us understand this passage?

  1. Knowing the Grand Story helps us see God’s commitment to redeem the world through his people despite their unfaithfulness.

  2. Knowing the Grand Story helps us see, through Jesus, what perfect participation in God’s redemptive activity looks like.

What does this passage then tell us about our present purpose as God’s people?

  • We are participants in God’s Grand Story.

Timothy Wiggins

Worship Director at Redemption Bible Church


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