"Encountering Deeper Intimacy With Jesus" (Luke 24:28-32)


Sermon Series: Encountering the Risen Jesus

Sermon Title: Encountering Deeper Intimacy With Jesus

Passage: Luke 24:28-32

1. An Invitation Extended (v28-29a)

1st Question: What do we learn from the travelers?

  • We learn that we must allow our lives to be interrupted by Jesus in order to deepen our intimacy w/ Jesus.

2. An Invitation Accepted (v29b-30)

2nd Question: What do we learn about Jesus?

  • We learn that Jesus always accepts the invitation to deeper intimacy.

3. Intimacy Experienced (v31-32)

3rd Question: What do we learn from Jesus?

  • We learn that Jesus always initiates the interruptions that lead to deeper intimacy

Reflection: Spiritual Practice of Examen

Click the button below to download the Examen Guide


  • “Only with an invitation to ‘come and stay with me’ can in interesting encounter develop into a transforming relationship.” - Henri Nouwen (With Burning Hearts, p57)

  • “Discernment is an increasing capacity to recognize and respond to the presence of Christ - in ordinary moments and also in the larger decisions of our lives.” - Ruth Haley Barton (Life Together in Christ, p138)

  • Discernment is “finding God in all things, so that we might love and serve God in all (things).” - St Ignatius of Loyola (from Life Together in Christ by Ruth Haley Barton, p137)

  • “Discernment requires us to move beyond our reliance on (our own) cognition and intellectual hard work to a place of deep listening and response to the Spirit of God within us and among us.” - Ruth Haley Barton (Discerning God’s Will Together: Discovering a Process of Leadership Discernment)

Recommended Reading:

  • Surrender to Love: Discovering the Heart of Christian Spirituality by David Benner

  • Life Together in Christ: Experiencing Transformation in Community by Ruth Haley Barton (based on the story of the road to Emmaus)

  • Reaching Out: The Three Movements of the Spiritual Life by Henri Nouwen

  • With Burning Hearts: A Meditation on the Eucharistic Life by Henri Nouwen (reflection on the the story of the road to Emmaus)


“Responding to an Encounter With Jesus” (Luke 24:33-49)


"Encountering the Way of Jesus" (Luke 24:25-27)