“Responding to Jesus” (Matthew 11:16-24)

Sermon Notes

Sermon Series: The Kingdom Has Come (Matthew 11-13)

Sermon Title: Responding to Jesus

Passage: Matthew 11:16-24

Preacher: Ashley Herr

Responding to Jesus (v16-17)

  • How have you refused to dance for joy in the presence of Jesus?

  • How have you refused to mourn in the presence of brokenness?

Expectations of Jesus (v18-19)

  • How have you rejected the way of Jesus by going your own way, because his way is too restrictive?

  • How have you rejected the way of Jesus by refusing to love those Jesus has called us to love, because his way is too accepting?

Warning From Jesus (v20-24)


“An Invitation to Rest” (Matthew 11:25-30)


“The Promised Messiah” (Matthew 11:1-15)