The Parables of the Mustard Seed and the Yeast (Matthew 13:31-35)

Sermon Notes

Sermon Series: The Kingdom Has Come (Matthew 11-13)

Sermon Title: The Parables of the Mustard Seed and the Yeast

Passage: Matthew 13:31-35

Preacher: Robin Philip

Why did Jesus tell parables?

  • He told parables to announce the arrival of God’s kingdom, and to provide people with an opportunity to respond to him—either in faith and obedience or rejection and disobedience.

What is the Kingdom of Heaven about?

  • The Kingdom of Heaven is ultimately about God's grand future, realized through His Son, Jesus Christ, in which He will gather His people, enact judgment, and reign eternally in the renewed world.

Observations and Relationship

Observations of the Mustard Seed and the Yeast:

  1. Smallness of the Agents

  2. Growing Impact (of the Agents)

  3. Alive, Not Dead

  4. Deposition to Flourish

  5. Action Taken of the Agents

  6. Degree of Exaggeration

Observations in Relation to the Kingdom of Heaven: 

  1. The Beginning of the Kingdom was of humbleness.

  2. The Growing of the Kingdom is measured in transformation.

  3. The Activity of the Kingdom is alive, though unseen at times.

  4. The Disposition of the Kingdom reflects the values of God.

  5. The Inauguration of the Kingdom was by King Jesus.

  6. The Reward of the Kingdom is beyond comparison.

Responding to the Parables:

  1. Embrace the Kingdom now by living out its truths in submission to King Jesus. 

  2. Trust in God's timing and pace for His Kingdom's transformation.


  1. How can you embrace the Kingdom now by living out its truths in submission to King Jesus. 

  2. In what areas do you need to trust in God's timing and pace for His transformative work?


The Kingdom of Incomparable Value (Matthew 13:44-52)


Waiting for the Harvest (Matthew 13:24-30, 36-43a)