SESSION 18 (2025)
LEG 1 (11/25-12/8)
Emotionally Healthy Spirituality by Peter Scazzero
Chapter 8: Go the Next Step to Develop a “Rule of Life”
Sacred Rhythms by Ruth Haley Barton
Chapter 9: A Rule of Life
Invitation to Retreat by Ruth Haley Barton
Chapter 9: Invitation to Recalibrate (PDF)
Soul Feast by Marjorie Thompson
Chapter 10: Putting It All Together - Developing a Rule of Life (PDF)
Crafting a Rule of Life by Stephen Macchia
Introduction: Crafting a Personal Rule of Life
Part One: Framing Your Personal Rule of Life - OPTIONAL reading, recommend skimming at least the Guiding Principle and Personal Rule of Life sections of each chapter
Reflect on the following questions regarding the reading, writing in your journal:
When and where do you feel closest to God? How do you enter most deeply into an awareness of His presence with you and love for you? (Calhoun, p39)
We all have a rule of life, however we aren’t all aware of what that rule is. What unspoken rules currently govern your life? Does the idea of a rule of life appeal to you? Why or why not? (Calhoun, p41)
Reflect on your current rhythm of living with God and with others. What aspects of your life and practices are most life-giving for you? How might God be inviting you to live into those more fully? On the other hand, what is not working in your life? What do you feel is missing? What do you long for? What changes might you consider making to incorporate some of what you feel is missing? (RHB, Retreat, Ch9, p100)
Reflect on the unique season of life you are currently in and all it comes with. What challenges and limitations are you facing in this season? Rather than viewing them as a hurdle that you wait to pass you by, how can you use them as an opportunity for growth and showing the love of Christ to others? (RHB, Retreat, Ch9, p100)
Thomas Merton writes in Thoughts in Solitude, “Ask me not where I live or what I like to eat…ask me what I am living for and what is keeping me from living fully for that.” What are you living for? What is keeping you from living fully for that? How can you overcome this barrier? (RHB, Sacred Rhythms, p162)
I want to help you curate a list of about 10 books for you to continue reading (and purchase two of these books for you), so the following two questions (7&8) are deigned to help with this task. That said, please email me your answers to questions 7 & 8 - along with any additional thoughts. Think back to all that we have read over the course of The Way. Which three voices, books, or sessions have you most connected with and experienced the most growth through and why? Which one did you most struggle with and why? Is there anything we have read that you would like to go back and re-read? Of all that you were unable to complete (either due to time or because it was only partially assigned), what would you like to go back and read? Is there a voice we didn’t hear from that you would like to read?
Think back on the practices we have been exposed to over the course of The Way. Which three have you most connected with and experienced the most growth through and why? Which one have you most struggled with and why? Are there spiritual practices we did not incorporate that you are interested in pursuing? Don’t just think about daily rhythms - also think about weekly, monthly, quarterly, and annually. The questions Ruth Haley Barton asks on p152 of Sacred Rhythms may help you think through this.
I hope over the course of The Way you have learned the importance of taking this journey of following the way of Jesus together with others. What does your current sense of community look like, where you are with other followers and able to share your journey with? Who is allowed to know you and hold you accountable? Do you have any interest in continuing to meet with your formation group on a monthly or bi-monthly (every other) month basis? If so, reach out to them and let them know.
LEG 2 (12/9-12/22)
Crafting a Rule of Life by Stephen Macchia
Part Two: Forming Your Personal Rule of Life
Give as much time as you can to the questions in the workbook, specifically the Personal Rule of Life questions in each chapter.
LEG 3 (12/23-1/5)
The Deeply Formed Life by Rich Villodas (red book)
Chapter 1: Contemplative Rhythms for an Exhausted Life - re-reading one of the first chapters we read!
Crafting a Rule of Life by Stephen Macchia
Part Three: Fulfilling Your Personal Rule of Life
Give as much time as you can to the questions in Part Three of the Macchia workbook, specifically the Personal Rule of Life questions in each chapter.
Reflect on the following questions regarding the third year in The Way and share your responses with Pastor Ashley and your Formation Group, preferably by sharing a Google Doc.
Please read through all of the questions and reflect on them as a whole before responding. While some may appear similar at first, they are guiding you in reflecting on different aspects. The “why” behind the “what” is the key to the reflection, and what may differentiate a similar response to two different questions. That said, if you feel that you have a common response to both the “what” and the “why” of two different questions, feel free to combine them into a single response.
Reflecting back on the third year of The Way:
What is something you have learned about God?
What is something you have learned about yourself?
What has been most challenging for you - and why do you think that is?
Where do you feel you have experienced the most growth - and why do you think that is?
What aspect of The Way have you most enjoyed - and why do you think that is?
What has been most helpful for you in your walk with Jesus?
Looking ahead to life after The Way:
What are you most looking forward to?
Where do you most desire to grow?
What will you do differently based on how the third year went?
PUBLISHED: Tuesday, November 12th, 2024, at 3:40PM CT