SESSION 8 (2024)

LEG 1 (Monday, 1/22 - Sunday, 2/4)


The Deeper Journey by Robert Mulholland

  • Chapter 1: The Goal

  • Chapter 2: Into the Jungle - The False Self

  • Chapter 3: The Idol in the Box - The Religious False Self


Reflect on the following questions regarding the reading, writing in your journal:

  1. Read Jesus’ prayer in John 17:20-26, where Jesus shares how the purpose of the Christian life is to be in loving union with God - and that the source of this loving union with God lies in His unfathomable love for us. As you reflect on your consolations over the past week, how have you experienced God’s love? (TDJ, CH1)

  2. The essence of the false self is when we identity our self in radical separation from God, others, and creation. Throughout human history this false self has led to destructive behavior toward others for political, economic, social, or other purposes. Describe one way you have recently found yourself separating from: a) God, b) God’s people (friends, family, church, etc), and c) God’s creation. What are the consequences of such behaviors that you have experienced in your own life, both a) because of that behavior in others and b) because of your own behavior? (TDJ, CH2)

  3. Fear is a distinguishing characteristic of the false self; we fear we might not be valued and so compensate by finding our identity in our performance - “I am what I do.” In what ways do you find your value in what you do? (TDJ, CH2)

  4. A corollary of our false self’s fear is protectiveness; our false self constructs attitudes, habits, relationships, and modes of interacting with the world that define our identity and protect us from real or imagined threats. What are a couple of things your false self is protecting you from? How do you go about protecting yourself? What blessings might your false self actually be causing you to miss out on?

  5. Read the prayer at the conclusion of Chapter 2 (TDJ, 45) followed by a couple minutes of silent reflection, asking the Holy Spirit to reveal aspects of your false self. What is one step you can take toward abandoning your false self to God? Share this step with your group. (TDJ, CH2)

  6. What are some of the fears of the religious false self? What are you prone to do in response to those fears? (TDJ, CH3)

  7. Sometimes our religious false self hides its fear behind a wall of activity in order to validate our identity. We focus on our attendance in worship services and church related events, our Bible reading plan, etc. - reassuring ourselves that our religious identity is secure. How have you seen yourself finding your identity in doing for God rather than being with God? Who are you most trying to impress or display this religious false self to? How might this behavior be negatively impacting your ability to have a deeper, more intimate relationship with God? (TDJ, CH3)

  8. What is one step you can take today to quiet the noise in order to listen more attentively to the voice of Jesus and slow down in order to live more faithfully to the way of Jesus? (EHS-WB, p26)

  9. Fill in the blanks: What I am beginning to realize about God this week is _______. What I am beginning to realize about myself this week is _______. (EHS-WB, p34)


End each day with the spiritual practice of Examen as provided in the attached EXAMEN GUIDE.

LEG 2 (Monday, 2/5 - Sunday, 2/18)


The Deeper Journey by Robert Mulholland

  • Chapter 4: Hidden with Christ in God - The False Self and the Christ Self

  • Chapter 5: Abandoning the False Self

Good and Beautiful and Kind: Becoming Whole in a Fractured World by Rich Villodas

  • Introduction

  • Chapter 1: A Failure to Love


Reflect on the following questions regarding the reading, writing in your journal:

  1. “You are a beloved child of God…The primary center of your identity is the heart of God’s love before the foundation of the world.” How has your false self lie to you regarding this truth? How has your true self in Christ led to to you responding to this truth: hopeful? awestruck? humbled? (TDJ, CH4)

  2. In Matthew 16:24, Jesus says, “If any want to become my followers, let them deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me.” How does this relate to the abandonment of your false self? (TDJ, CH4)

  3. What are some doors of the false self? What might be the door or doors in your life? Can you think of past examples from your life when you were able to open a door and let go of your false self? Do you have a possessive or protective grip on any door? (TDJ, CH4)

  4. Paul tells us that in our new nature “there is no longer Greek and Jew, circumcised and uncircumcised, barbarian, Scythian, slave and free; but Christ is all and in all” (Col 3:11). How does this affect our relationships with others who are different from us? How might you begin to view both yourself and others differently? (TDJ, CH5 - Q7, p178)

  5. How do you understand the concept of “wholeness”? What do you think re the marks of wholeness in a person’s life? How do you see this in your life? (GBK, Intro)

  6. Read the poem “Tired” by Langston Hughes on page xxvii of the Introduction to Good and Beautiful and Kind. Underline any words that stand out to you. What are “worms” in our society that are eating away at our lives as a culture? as a church? you as an individual? What is one step you can begin to address these in your own personal life? (GBK, Intro)

  7. What is one step you can take today to quiet the noise in order to listen more attentively to the voice of Jesus and slow down in order to live more faithfully to the way of Jesus? (EHS-WB, p26)

  8. Fill in the blanks: What I am beginning to realize about God this week is _______. What I am beginning to realize about myself this week is _______. (EHS-WB, p34)


End each day with the spiritual practice of Examen.

LEG 3 (Monday, 2/19 - Sunday, 3/3)


Good and Beautiful and Kind: Becoming Whole in a Fractured World by Rich Villodas

  • Chapter 2: The Unseen Enemy

  • Ephesians 6:10-20

  • Chapter 4: The Problem of Prayer

  • Chapter 5: Beyond the Walls of the False Self

  • Philippians 2:1-11


Reflect on the following questions regarding the reading, writing in your journal:

  1. The “cosmic powers” we wrestle against seek to depersonalize, deceive, and divide. How are you currently experiencing this in your relation with God? your relation with others? How might this be a sign of your false self’s reluctance to trust in and rely on God? (GBK, Ch2)

  2. Rich writes that “Much of our society holds the conviction that if two people disagree on important issues, they must be enemies…The tendency to see people as objects to avoid or attack because of our differences is a testament to our immaturity.” (p35) How are you currently experiencing this? Who are you disagreeing with and viewing as an enemy? How are you currently avoiding them? attacking them (potentially through gossip)? (GBK, CH2)

  3. Rich writes that “Depersonalization is an act of desacralization. When we depersonalize, we stop seeing individuals as sacred creations of God. We begin to see them as an “it.”” (p36) Who (either an individual or group of people) are you currently depersonalizing? How has this led to your treatment of them - in the way you think about them, speak about them, speak to them, or treat them? (GBK, CH2)

  4. Contemplative prayer aids us in: facing our false self, being an unanxious presence, and stewarding our words. Which of these three fruits of contemplative prayer calls out to you today and why? (GBK, CH4)

  5. How do you define humility? When are the moments you find it hard to be humble? When do you find it easy(er) to be humble? (GBK, CH5)

  6. Cultivating a life of humility means you have nothing to protect, to prove, or to possess. Which of these three do you have the most difficult time letting go of and why? What is one step you could take in humility of releasing this to God? How might this humility lead to the death of something in your life? (GBK, CH5)

  7. Very few people enjoy receiving correction, even when from a trusted friend. Describe a recent time wen you received correction (or criticizm). What is the internalized message you tell yourself when this happens? What message might God want to replace it with? (GBK, CH5)

  8. What is one step you can take today to quiet the noise in order to listen more attentively to the voice of Jesus and slow down in order to live more faithfully to the way of Jesus? (EHS-WB, p26)

  9. Fill in the blanks: What I am beginning to realize about God this week is _______. What I am beginning to realize about myself this week is _______. (EHS-WB, p34)


End each day with the spiritual practice of Examen.

PUBLISHED: Wednesday, January 17th, 2023, at 10:30 AM CT



SESSION 15 (2024)


SESSION 14 (2024)