Dan Alcantara: Still Waiting #SendTheAlcantaras



We are still waiting for word on my visa, even as things on the UK side seem to be progressing.


The weather here in Warsaw has cooled off significantly and a few days without rain meant taking a trip into Stare Miasto (Old Town) to get Tracy’s belated birthday present. It was nice to get out and feel like we were on holiday for a bit, rather than simply waiting.

In the mean time, waiting seems to be very much our daily work. We’ve done everything that we wanted to do in town and our responsibilities to the church here have come to an end. Thankfully, things do seem to be progressing in Scotland.

We are currently praying about and hoping for a particular house in the town. Because of the size of our family, we need a 3-bedroom house but they’re quite hard to come by for rent. David, the pastor, and his wife helped us do a virtual viewing of one house yesterday (8th) and we really hope that the estate agent accepts our offer. One of the guys at the church has also been able to secure a washing machine for us for free, which is a huge blessing.

My studies with Cornhill Scotland begin on Monday and I’m excited, but nervous about beginning them remotely. We knew that I would have to at least begin them remotely, even if we were in England right now, but it’s a different thing to be hoping the WiFi in this Airbnb is up to the task of an entire day’s worth of Zoom calls.


Prayer Requests:

As we wait, it’s becoming clear that prayer is our only real action in waiting. If Jesus completed his earthly ministry in dependence on the Father, then we are called to the same thing. Join with us in prayer over these things:

  • Continue to pray with us for the visa result. This is our primary barrier to being able to return to ministry in the U.K. and it is taking all of our energy to trust that it will come.

  • The other thing we need in Scotland is a place to live. Pray with us that the current house we are trying to apply for would be set aside for us to enable us to live and work in Strathaven. Our focus there is on reaching families and there are many in the neighbourhood where this house is located.

  • We’ve begun reaching out to the town council to find out about placement for the kids in school. Pray that all four of them would be able to attend the same school, that their teachers would be a good match and that they would be able to make good friendships.


Mitchells Update (August 2020)


Kimberly Taylor: Campus, Coursework, and Clinics