Dan Alcantara: Pray For My Dad



Dear Redemption,

Thank you so much for your continued prayers for my dad. We have had some good news from my family. This is what my brother shared:

Praise #1 - No more breathing tube/oxygen
Praise #2 - No longer sedated
Praise #3 - No restraints 
Praise #4 - No overt swelling
Praise #5 - No more critical care, he’s now on the regular neuro floor 
Praise #6 - Off most IV’s
Praise #7 - He’s eating/drinking on his own (although it’s a mostly liquid diet)
Praise #8 - He’s aware and we are able to converse. He’s smiling. Making jokes. 

Some prayers requests are just for the continued healing process. My dad is still extremely weak and in lots of pain. Down the road will be another surgery as his bone flap is still open on his head. So prayers for his OT and PT. His left side is still significantly weaker than his right. They’ve already had him sitting up on his own and he’s doing great. He’s a fighter and will do what he needs to do to get out of this place. He wants to be home!

It’s unreal how quickly things can change in your life. Both negatively and positively. From just two nights ago we’ve seen night and day improvements in the recovery process. It’s far from over, and I’m sure some days will be harder than others for him. But we are going to praise Jesus for each and every victory!

Thank you so much for your prayers and support so far in this journey,
Dan, Tracy, Sophie, Chloe, Liam & Owen


Dear Redemption,

On Monday, my dad was taken to the hospital with some balance problems. From there, he was airlifted to Lutheran General in Park Ridge. Since then, he’s had two surgeries to relieve bleeding in his brain. He is stable but he is in intensive care and will be for a while.

This was supposed to be an update about ministry and mission here in Poland, but for now, we are overwhelmed with concern for family in the States and the fact that we cannot be with them right now.

While we wait for more news, please join us in prayer over these things:

1. Praise God for the work that the medical team at Lutheran General has done so far in caring for my dad. The staff of the entire floor has worked together to take care of him and to keep him safe. God is indeed good in his giving of common grace.
2. Pray that my dad would experience healing and a full recovery.
3. Pray that there will be no further complications. The second surgery was a result of complication. While this is common, we sincerely hope that there is a straight road to recovery from this point.
4. It’s stressful and overwhelming to be so far away when things like this happen. Going into overseas ministry, I always knew that this was going to be a reality that I would have to face one day. Be praying that we would keep the faith and that, if it comes to it, I would be able to travel in time.

Thank you so much for your prayers and support so far in this journey,
Dan, Tracy, Sophie, Chloe, Liam & Owen


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