Kimberly Taylor: Merry Christmas!

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This Christmas season has been warm, quiet, and a sweet celebration of advent. I'll be traveling up to New Hampshire on Friday to spend Christmas with my sister, brother-in-law, and 2 nieces. I'm excited to spend a true White Christmas with them in the White Mountains of NH!

On January 2nd, I'm flying out for my second trip with GAiN. We'll be gone for 12 days, working in Southeast Asia with the local staff team there. Our goal is to help the team gain access, build credibility, and increase their effectiveness. As we continue to hear from the field, our vision clinics have proven to be one of the most effective ways to accomplish these goals. To run a vision clinic we need:
1. A team of volunteers
2. 1,000 pairs of prescription lenses
3. A building to in which to host our clinics
4. Translators for communicating with the patients
5. A willing and excited staff team to partner with and carry on the work after we've returned home.

Of course there are many other factors playing into the success of a trip. You're prayers and partnership are a key component in allowing these trips to continue!

To those of you who've spent time praying for me: Thank you for spending time interceding with our Father and considering this work worthy of your time and thoughts!
To those who've called, texted, emailed, read my prayer letters, and been present: Your friendship has meant more this year than ever before! I am so grateful for the role you've played in being a part of my community and encouraging me. 
To those who have partnered with me: Thank you for becoming a part of the work happening here! Through your partnership, you've joined CRU, GAiN, myself, and our brothers and sisters overseas as we seek to share the best news ever with people in the toughest places on earth! Thank you again and...
 Merry Christmas!



  • I'm currently working on the details of my first trip as the primary team leader. This trip is to Central Asia in March. Prayers for good communication and harmony with the local staff team!

  • My roommate's stepdad Lavon, who is battling cancer.

  • Softened hearts and open doors as we join the ministry happening in Southeast Asia.

  • Opportunities to build relationships with some other young women in my apartment complex 


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