Dan Alcantara: Boarding #SendTheAlcantaras (Copy)



By the time you read this, we will hopefully be back on British soil!


We always knew that our time in Warsaw would be growing and stretching. It can’t help but be when you’re thrown into an environment where you need to learn a new language just to do something as simple as order coffee or find bay leaves at the grocery store. To go from singing How Great Thou Art to singing Jestem Tego Pewien. 

But now that part of our journey is coming to an end. On Friday, we found out that a decision had been made on my visa. On Monday, we found out that it was successful. Now, it’s Wednesday morning as I write this and we are getting dressed and ready for the airport.

There is much more reflection to be done, but for now, I am working on looking back at a trying circumstance as something that will make me a better husband, father and gospel worker. Singer-songwriter Kathleen Edwards wrote a song (on her amazing new album) about looking back at things and saying “I will always be grateful for it.”

I still don’t understand all of the ins and outs of a year-long ministry detour, but God is faithful and that’s why I can still look at it and say I will always be grateful for it.

Anyway, next week’s letter will be the last weekly one. They’ll be monthly, on the first Friday of the month starting in October. Next week’s letter will also be from the U.K.!!!

Thank you so much for your prayers, support and hope for us over the last year. I really do mean it when I say we cannot do this without you.

Prayer Requests:

As we wait, it’s becoming clear that prayer is our only real action in waiting. If Jesus completed his earthly ministry in dependence on the Father, then we are called to the same thing. Join with us in prayer over these things:

  • Praise God! My visa was approved and we get to go back to the country we were called to do ministry in!

  • Continue to pray for a house for us. We are still waiting to hear back on one that looked really promising.

  • COVID restrictions are quite a bit tighter in the U.K. than in Poland. Pray that this wouldn’t hinder our ability to get settled into a new town, home an school.

  • I have a short devotion to prepare for Tuesday on Psalm 23:4. Pray that I would understand the text well and that I and the training course would be made more like Jesus by God’s word.


Tom & Michele: East Asia is Closed!


Mitchells Update (August 2020)