Tom & Michele: East Asia is Closed!


Locked out of Asia

Blanche O'Brien      

Mom is recovering well from her unsuccessful surgery last July 7.  Keep praying that the clot will dissolve in her heart and that she can undergo valve replacement surgery.  Yet, God has answered prayers and given mom a pretty good August and September. We are grateful that she is back celebrating family social gatherings.  She looks absolutely beautiful.  Praise the Lord.

East Asia is Closed!


We were to return home to East Asia on September 22. But, on September 7, our second home closed its borders to citizens from 23 countries due to COVID 19.  We have no idea when we will be able to return. An educated guess would say that we will be locked out until December 31.  We have researched possibilities of living in another nation in East Asia where we supervise workers, but every country is closed at the present time. We are looking for a place to stay in Southern Wisconsin or Lake County Illinois - close to many of our supporting churches.  If you know of a small studio/basement apartment, or something else available to use for a few months,let us know. 



Kiera's Family

Kiera and her family are continually under attack by their father, a jihadist.  They are fleeing their present location and going to another nation in the Middle East.  Christ followers will help them find a place to live and work.  Pray daily for protection until they can be in a safer location.  This move will happen within the month.

Our Schedule:

September 20 - Immanuel Church - Gurnee, IL


Prayer Requests:

  • Praise the Lord for our disciples moving toward believers gathering. Nate's family will fellowship with Adam's family soon.

  • Praise the Lord for our fifth grandchild, Reuben Jacob Augenstein, born on July 24. 

  • Pray for our abundant seed sowing as our team continues to post, communicate, and follow up on contacts on FB. Pray for Ethan as he studies with Tom and applies for his green card in the USA this month.

  • Pray for our team as we are all now locked out of our country.

  • Pray for fruitful ministry opportunities as we make ourselves available to serve in our churches over the next months. 


Tom and Michele


Hope Church: September Update


Dan Alcantara: Boarding #SendTheAlcantaras (Copy)