Anchor Church: December 2019 Newsletter ⚓


There we were...

in Old Grove Tavern in downtown Champaign, not knowing if we belong or if we stand out. Nick's wearing a "Go Jesus! It's Your Birthday!" Christmas sweater. I'm wearing a sweatshirt with a cat that has a Santa hat on it. As you're starting a church in a brand new city, you are in a lot of groups that you don't know your place. One thing we always think prior to any social engagement is "Do we belong here? Is someone going to accept me?" We are sitting at a table and I'm(Hannah) having a conversation with a local physical therapist. We bond over different Netflix shows and Christmas gifts. I overhear Nick say "We're starting a church here in Champaign." And then a response of "Now, tell me about that...." Out of the corner of my eye, I see Nick talking with a guy in his upper twenties. Then, I look again a few moments later and the man is crying in the middle of this Ugly Christmas Sweater Social for young professionals. Then, he gets up to leave, wiping the tears from his eyes, and Nick gives him his card. 

About an hour or so later, we're in the car on the way home. I immediately ask "What happened?" I'm secretly thinking "What did you say Nick to make this poor guy cry in the middle of this party?!" Nick starts to tell me about Greg.* Greg started out by talking/complaining about Catholics, Protestants, & church history. He went on to share how he even wanted to be a pastor at one point. After some time, he looked down and began to cry. Then he said, "It feels good to share all of this. There're not many people who will talk to me about this stuff. It's not like I'm sitting in an Ivory Tower. I'm human too. This stuff really matters." Then Nick says to me, "I don't know why he started to share all of this. I didn't do anything special. I just listened." Immediately Paul's words come to my mind "But he said to me, 'My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.' Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me." We weren't sure of our place at the beginning of the night. By the end, we knew that God had us there for a reason. It was to show that he will be strong when we are weak. 
*Name changed for privacy

As you pray for us, please remember these things: Pray for our Christmas Party this Friday! It's our first "event" and we have about 20-25 people coming to our home. Please pray that people would have a good time and become even more comfortable with us. Please pray that people would continue to be open to meeting and hearing the Gospel.Please pray for our first Anchor Group, which is starting in January!Please pray for more connections with non-Christians.  Pray that we would be able to continue to discern the voice of God. Praise God that the local churches have welcomed us with open arms! As of yesterday, Nick is a part of a group of church planters in the area(there are 4 that we know of). They'll be getting together monthly.Praise God for the connections we've made thus far. As of today, we've had 50 meetings(1:1 or 2:2) across the area with ministry leaders, business leaders, neighbors, moms, police officers, and college students. Thank you so much for your support. We couldn't do this without you!


Tim Beavis: Christmas Greetings


Dan Alcantara: Salute the Morn