Dan Alcantara: Salute the Morn


Over the last month, we’ve been working hard to serve the church and to see areas where we can be effective.


A really encouraging thing has been helping the church to implement a liturgy so that everyone knows why we worship in the way that we do. Much of the way the church has been running already fit into place, but it was still helpful for everyone so see how our worship is informed by the gospel and by scripture. We’ve chosen to use the same liturgy based on Isaiah 6 that our sending church, Redeemer Fellowship, learned about from one of its plants, The Church in Dekalb.

Tracy has also worked hard to organise teachers for the kids work, along with helping them implement the Jesus Storybook Bible curriculum.


The kids had a Thanksgiving party and spent time looking at Ephesians 5:20.

As always, please reach out to us with any prayer requests you have as you partner with us in prayer. Here is how you can pray for us this month:

Be praying for us as we work to get our temporary residency figured out here. We have a couple of options, but we are cutting it very close now with the time. Pray that the process would run smoothly and that everything would be in place for the rest of our stay here.Be praying for clarity over what we will do when my apprenticeship ends. Our hope is to resume serving in the UK and there are some possible options, but nothing concrete yet. Pray with us as we again trust that the Lord will make a way.Be praying for us as we miss family and friends in two different countries this Christmas. We have people here who care for us, but we are really missing Trinity Church Everton and Redeemer Fellowship.


Anchor Church: December 2019 Newsletter ⚓


Tom & Michele: Spreading Good Tidings