Anchor Church: June 2020 Newsletter ⚓


"I want to be in."

We listened to her story at our kitchen table, over some grilled cheese and tomato soup. She shared with us how she had seen God pursuing her, her entire life. From her Christian aunt (who moved away), to her short time at a Catholic school, and then coming to the U.S. and having the first person who is kind to her be a Christan and invite her to a Christian group on campus. But then Covid-19 happened and everything shut down, including the group. 

At this same time, we encouraged our worship intern, Michael, to reach out and invite anyone and everyone he could think of to our virtual Anchor Groups. He invited her, she came a few times, and that's how she ended up at our kitchen table on that Tuesday afternoon. 

Before she came over, I (Hannah) told Nick, "I don't know how to do this... She's headed back home in a few weeks... I don't want to pressure her into it... I want her to want this." Nick took me by the hands, prayed, and asked God for Him to prepare her, to have her bring it up, and that she would want to know Jesus.

So, when the words, "I want to be in." came out of her mouth, I was shocked.  She was tired of being on the outside and wanted to finally make the choice to become a Christian after years of hearing about it. She told us about the potential persecution of becoming a Christian in Hindu culture and she decided it was worth the risk. That day, I was able to lead her to Christ. From that week on, we've been having her over for lunch to talk about how to follow Jesus. 

I don't know about you, but I pray and ask God to do things all the time. Yet, for some reason, I'm always surprised when it actually happens. 

(If you'd like to hear Prashasti's story, from her perspective: click here.)

When you pray for us, please ask God for these things: 

  • Pray for Prashasti, as she is currently waiting to hear when she can head back to her own country, due to Covid-19. Also, pray for her new faith in Christ. 

  • Pray for our next online service on July 12th! The first one went amazing and we're hoping to reach more people with this next one. Pray that people would take "next steps."Praise God for our newest Launch Team members: Beth, Louise, Chenell, Ron & Louise! 

  • Continue to pray for our online presence in both groups and videos.

  • Pray for wisdom as we're about to sign a one year contract for the use of a building in town. We're going to be sharing it with a Korean church in the afternoons on Sundays. We're so excited about this opportunity, but we want to be as wise as well. 

Because of you, we're able to reach people in Champaign-Urbana and all over the world!
Thank you!

~ Hannah and Nick


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