Anchor Church: November Update


Conferences & Connections

We were able to go to two different conferences this month! The first one was with Converge. We were able to talk with other church planters and attend seminars. It was timed perfectly since we were feeling pretty lonely right after we got settled.

The other conference was Exponential. Nick was able to go with Jamie, another church planter (he's in the picture above, on the left). He planted a church in Champaign last year. He went out of his way to meet us and show us around town. And then, on top of all of that, Nick got a ticket for Exponential from him!

We have a goal to have 400 contacts and meet up with 50 people by the end of December. So in other words, networking, networking, and then more networking. We've had to get creative with meeting people. We've met people through the Chamber of Commerce, The Rotary, Trick or Treating, an app called "Meet Up", and then through the connections that many of you gave us!

Just a couple of weeks ago, we had coffee with Roxanne and Scott. Nick met Roxanne at the Chamber of Commerce and she was VERY open about her experience with church. She said every time she has gone to church in the past, she was so moved that she cried. But, she doesn't go anywhere consistently. When we got to the coffee shop, we were thinking it might be a little awkward since we don't know them at all. Three hours later, we were getting along just fine! We got to share the history of the Church and the vision for Anchor Church. Please pray for Roxanne and Scott as we continue to build the friendship with them.

As you pray for us, please remember these things: Pray that people would be open to going to coffee or dinner with us. Pray specifically for Greta - I, Hannah, met her at the Meet Up (pictured below with all the Chinese food ) and she was up for getting coffee with me on Thursday.Pray specifically for Megan, a woman that we went to a volleyball game with. Pray that I would be able to connect with her again. Pray specifically for Nina, another woman I met at The Meet Up, who is an English Professor at the University of Illinois. We've talked extensively at both Meet Ups and I could see us connecting well outside of the group. Please pray that people would be open to meeting and hearing the Gospel.Please pray for more connections with non-Christians. Pray that we would be able to discern the voice of God.
Thank you so much!
Hannah & Nick

P.S. For the many of you that are concerned about how Albert is adjusting to the move... he's doing just fine


Hope Church: November Update


Tom & Michele O'Brien: Needed - Wisdom to Multiply