Tom & Michele O'Brien: Needed - Wisdom to Multiply


Refugee Preschool

Tom continues to teach at El Shaddai's preschool. He is teaching Creation to Christ. The students are remembering the essential truths. Aisha has saved all her craft pages and put them in a notebook. The children studied about Abraham and Issac yesterday.

Thursday was also an interesting day at the HIV clinic. One man had defaulted on his medication and was blaming God and the world for his sickness. We had an honest and open conversation. Some of the things I said pierced his very selfish nature. At the end I expressed my love for him and told him that whether he wanted to know God or not, we would still love him and be there for him. Tom had a chance to share with three men that day. All of them had defaulted for not so good reasons. We press on.


Needed: Wisdom to Multiply

In our last letter we talked about our new partnership with IRM. Our team, Tom, Shan and Nate, will partner with a Tech Team in our country and IRM to use social media, podcasts, audio/video distribution to sow the seed broadly in our country. There is a meeting coming up this month. Jonathan (IRM), Shan and Nate will attend this coordination meeting.

Pray for God's provision and wisdom. Eventually we will meet with experts from around the globe to penetrate the gospel in this needy land.



New Friends

We were able to participate in a beach clean up with friends. It was a beautiful morning and our team collected the most garbage. It was the last award to be given out so we were worried that we would go home without winning an eco friendly item. We will have them over soon for a meal.

We also met some friends at a school workshop. They had some really good questions.

Praise God that there is a bit more openness in Nate and Farah's children. The three younger girls may have already believed. Pray that they will embrace Christ as we near the end of Creation to Christ in the coming weeks.

Church Planting Council: Wisdom Needed

Leaders of Christar will be meeting in Asia the first week of November. Tom has beenheading a task force to help our church planters with Christar. We are making our final presentation at these meetings. Our proposed initiatives are:

  • Helping every worker to mobilize

  • Multiplication and training of leaders

  • Mobilization Hubs

  • Continuing Education Standards

  • Sowing the seed broadly

  • Coaching


Prayer Requests

  • Pray for abundant seed sowing and a good partnership with Shan, Nate, and IRM.

  • Pray for the weekly Bible teaching in the El Shaddai preschool. This ministry is ongoing. We have 30 students now. Wisdom needed in multiplying the work through the above initiatives.

  • Pray that our disciples will be gathered soon for worship.

  • Praise that Zach and Ellie are at full support. They will be joining us this coming February 2020.

  • Pray for our teammate Dorothy as she is doing member care and training with Thomas and Cheri in the Philippines.

  • Pray that they will especially be a blessing to Efren and Alice, our field leaders .


Anchor Church: November Update


Kimmie Taylor: A Historic Event