Tom & Michele: Spreading Good Tidings
Albania Trip
We traveled to Albania, Greece, and North Macedonia for two weeks to visit Colin and Carolyn who are serving with the Peace Corps. For half of our time we visited them in Delvine, Albania, their home for two years. We had the opportunity to meet their host family, visit their schools, their church, talk with the staff from the hospital, and meet their neighbors and friends. Colin and Carolyn are doing a superb job in serving this community and building relationships. It was so much fun to watch them make a difference so naturally. At each turn we were able to share about the Lord, pray, encourage, or give an insight into the gospel. Communism left them quite ignorant of any faith. While we celebrated Thanksgiving, we had each one share something that they were thankful for. This was a very new concept. One person asked, "Who are we thanking? Are we thanking God?" Pray for one couple who is interested to start a Bible study. They are currently reading our Creation to Christ Bible study.
Needed: Wisdom to Multiply
In our last letter, we talked about our new partnership with IRM. Our team, Tom, Shaun, and Nate, will partner with a Tech Team in our country and IRM to use social media, podcasts, and audio/video distribution to sow the seed broadly in our country. The coordination meeting went well last week, and we are jumping right into the work. Our first programs and chats are being prepared. IRM is currently supporting 1/2 of what Shaun and Nate need monthly. We are contributing another fourth. If anyone would like to contribute to this project monthly, or with a one time gift, please click on the Christar logo below.
In March, there is a ten-day, global, seminar to train us in this work. God has already provided a sponsor for Shaun and Nate to get this training.
Christmas Outreaches
We will have a number of Christmas outreaches this season. Pray especially for our party on December 21.
Christar Initiatives
Our initiatives were all accepted by the Church Planting Council. Pray for continued progress forward. We have our hand in each of these initiatives.
Helping every worker to mobilize
Multiplication and training of leaders
Mobilization hubs
Colin Teaching English
Continuing education standards
Sowing the seed broadly
Prayer Requests:
Pray for abundant seed sowing and wisdom as Shaun and Nate begin full-time work on developing media.
Pray for an outing with our preschool from El Shaddai on December 12.
Pray for wisdom needed in multiplying the work through the above initiatives.
Pray that our disciples will be gathered soon for worship. We have an important team meeting on December 13.
Praise that Zach and Ellie are at full support. They will be joining us this coming February 2020.
Pray that the seed sown in Albania will bear much fruit. Pray for God to bless Colin and Carolyn as they labor in Albania.
Pray for Andrew and Amanda as they start a new youth pastorate in Crown Point, Indiana. They moved in December 2. Pray for Zeke and Gavin as they adjust to a new school.
We wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas!
Tom and Michele