Meet someone "new to you" on Sunday!


One mark of “A Welcoming Church” that we see in 1 Peter 4:9 is that we welcome one another! Not just the people we like or the people we know - but each and every person that walks through our doors on a Sunday morning.

This starts by viewing your church as your home - and yourself as its host as you welcome guests into your home. Often times we significantly over complicate the idea of welcoming others.

Do you know the easiest way to welcome someone? Simply acknowledge their existence! Say hi, introduce yourself by name, ask their name, thank them for coming, and then introduce them to someone else in the church. If they’re new to Redemption - do you’re best to introduce them to a pastor or elder even.

Then next week when you see them again, say hi to them - by name. And if you forget their name? That’s ok! We have a saying here at Redemption called “NEW TO YOU”. And do you know how you know if someone is new to you? If you don’t remember their name, then they are new to you! You have permission to ask their name a second time, tenth time, even a hundredth time (but by then, maybe write their name down).

To help us be a more welcoming church, here’s what I’m asking of everyone who calls Redemption their church home:

Introduce yourself to someone new to you every Sunday.

And just so you’re ready, the question I’ll probably be asking you on Sunday morning is this, “Have you met someone new to you yet today?” If this is your home, then you are its host. Let’s build this habit and establish this as a regular rhythm in the life of our church.

But you don't have to stop with an introduction - extend an invitation as well! Invite them to a meetup you’re attending or hosting - invite them to your small group - or invite them out for lunch as this year we set out to share 1,000 meals together!

This is HOW we make Redemption a welcoming church - and you are WHO makes Redemption a welcoming church!


Helpful resources on hospitality


Seek to show hospitality