God Changed Jacob

Genesis 25-33

Continue the conversation throughout the week with your kids by asking them questions pertaining to the lesson from Sunday at Redemption Kids.

The questions asked below were asked on Sunday during our time at Redemption Kids. Take some time to read the passage together, discuss the questions, watch a BRAND NEW video of the lesson, memorize the Bible verse, and remember the big idea of this week!

Ask the Questions

Bigs Discussion Questions

  1. What was your favorite part of today’s Bible story?

    Genesis 25-33 In today’s Bible story, Abraham’s son Isaac and his wife Rebekah gave birth to twins. Esau was born first, and then Jacob. When they grew up and their father Isaac was old, Isaac wanted to bless Esau. Instead, Jacob tricked Isaac and stole his brother’s blessing. Esau was very angry, so Isaac and Rebekah sent Jacob away.

    Years passed. Jacob got married and had a family. Finally, Jacob took his family and headed home to Canaan. Jacob was afraid to see his brother Esau again. What if Esau was still angry? So Jacob sent gifts to Esau. He hoped Esau would forgive him.

    That night, a man appeared to Jacob. The man wrestled with Jacob all night. Jacob would not give up, so the man hurt Jacob’s hip. “I will not let You go unless You bless me,” Jacob said. “Your name was Jacob,” said the man, “but now your name will be Israel. You wrestled with God and with men, and you have won.” The man blessed Jacob. Jacob went to meet Esau. Esau ran to Jacob and hugged him. Esau was not angry anymore! Jacob was finally home in the land God promised to give him.

  2. What did you learn about God in today’s Bible story?

    Remember how God promised Abraham that he would make his family very big? God planned to keep that promise through Jacob’s family. He changed Jacob’s name to Israel because his family would become the nation of Israel. Trusting in Jesus doesn’t change the name our parents gave us, but God gives us a new name to add to it—children of God!

  3. Would you have been afraid to see your brother again if you were Jacob?

    Remind the kids that Jacob made some wrong choices. He stole from his brother and had to run away. But God was still in control. He was with Jacob, so Jacob did not have to be afraid.

  4. Who is in control of everything? God is in control of everything.

Elementary Discussion Questions

  1. How does God change us when we begin to follow Jesus?

    God gave Jacob a new name—Israel. Anytime someone has an encounter with God they are changed forever. When we meet Jesus and decide to follow Him, our lives will never be the same. Just like Jacob, God gives us a new name. When we trust in Jesus we become children of God, part of His family. We have the Holy Spirit Who helps us become more like Jesus. He helps us to be kind, loving, peaceful, joyful, and merciful.

  2. Have you ever been angry with someone who apologized and asked for forgiveness? Were you willing to forgive that person? How did it feel to forgive?

    Esau became angry when Jacob tricked him—so angry that Jacob thought Esau would try to kill him! That’s why he ran away. It was many years later, but Esau did eventually forgive Jacob for stealing his blessing and birthright. It’s not always easy to forgive someone who hurts us. It’s usually pretty tempting to do something to hurt them in response. But God calls us to show kindness to those who hurt us and forgive them. We can forgive others because we have been forgiven by God for our sin.

  3. How has God blessed you and provided for you this week?

    Remind the kids that Jacob clung to the angel of the Lord and begged to be blessed. When we start to look around at our lives we realize just how many ways God blesses us. We can be thankful for what He has given us! Consider reading or inviting a kid to read 2 Cor. 9:8. God gives to us abundantly. God can never give so much that there is less of Him. He is happy to give us everything we need, so we can trust Him to provide for and bless us.

Watch the Videos

Remember the 3 B’s

Big Picture Question: Who is in control of everything. God is in control of everything in heaven and on earth.

Big Idea: God changed Jacob’s life and gave him a new name, Israel. When we trust in Jesus, we get a new name, too—children of God.

Bible Verse to Memorize - For I know that the Lord is great, and that our Lord is above all gods. Whatever the Lord pleases, he does, in heaven and on earth, in the seas and all deeps. Psalm 135:5-6

Practice Catechism

Question 5: What else did God create?

Answer: God created all things and all his creation was very good.

Download New City Catechism and learn more HERE!


God Had a Plan for Joseph


God Provided Isaac