“Knowing the Trinity” (2 Corinthians 1:20-22)

Sermon Notes

Sermon Series: Encountering the Risen Jesus

Sermon Title: Knowing the Trinity

Passage: 2 Corinthians 1:20-22

Preacher: Robin Philip

God Our Father (v20a)

Jesus our Mediator (v20b-21)

The Spirit Our Guarantee (v22)

The Trinity matters because it tells us who God is.

  1. The Trinity is important because it tells us who God is; this is the revelation of God

  2. The Trinity matters because the Triune God is revealed in Scriptures

  3. The Trinity matters because The Triune God plays a role in our salvation.

  4. The Trinity matters because the Triune God reveals our mission.

  5. The Trinity matters because the Triune God  represents love because the Trinity is love.

Sermon Footnotes

  • “Because the Christian God is not a lonely God, but rather a communion of three persons, faith leads human beings into the divine communion. One cannot, however, have a self-enclosed communion with the Triune God- a "foursome," as it were-- for the Christian God is not a private deity. Communion with this God is at once also communion with those others who have entrusted themselves in faith to the same God. Hence one and the same act of faith places a person into a new relationship both with God and with all others who stand in communion with God.” 

    ―Miroslav Volf, After Our Likeness: The Church as the Image of the Trinity (Sacra Doctrina: Christian Theology for a Postmodern Age


“Celebration Sunday” (Deuteronomy 6:4-9)


“Pentecost” (Acts 2:1-21)