“Celebration Sunday” (Deuteronomy 6:4-9)

Sermon Notes

Sermon Series: Family Ministry

Sermon Title: Celebration Sunday

Passage: Deuteronomy 6:4-9

Preacher: Ashley Herr

Our Mission

  • Helping people know Jesus and grow to be like Jesus (Matthew 28)

Our Method

  • Pointing people to Jesus by loving them like Jesus (Matthew 22) - that’s how we help people know

  • Faithfully following the way of Jesus in obedience to the words of Jesus (John 14) - that’s how we grow

A Reminder of Who God Is (v4)

Four Responses to Who God Is (v5-9)

  1. Love God (v5)

  2. Treasure God’s Word (v6)

  3. Share God’s Word (v7)

  4. Live Out God’s Word (v8-9)


  1. Read the passage in your primary translation and ask, “What word or phrase is the Spirit drawing me to in this passage?”

  2. Read the passage in another translation and ask, “What is God saying to me through this passage about who He is, what He has done, and all He has promised to do?

  3. Read the passage in The Message and ask, “How is God inviting me to respond to what He has said in this passage?” How will I respond to who God is - loving Him, treasuring His Word, sharing His Word, and living out His Word?


“The Promised Messiah” (Matthew 11:1-15)


“Knowing the Trinity” (2 Corinthians 1:20-22)