I Am the Light of the World

Sermon Notes

Sermon Series: I AM

Sermon Title: I Am the Light of the World

Passage: John 8:12

Preacher: Ashley Herr

1. What does it mean that Jesus is the light of the world? (v12)

  • To understand the significance of the statement Jesus is making about himself, we need to understand: the WEHN of the story, the WHERE of the story, and the WHAT of the metaphor of light

  • Light in general: comforts us, protects, and guides us

  • Light in the Old Testament: conveys God’s presence and glory

2. What does it look like to follow Jesus? (v13-58)

Followers of Jesus:

  1. KNOW the identity of Jesus (v13-20)

  2. BELIEVE in the saving work of Jesus (v21-30

  3. ABIDE in the words of Jesus (v31-38) - GET IN THE WORD, SO THE WORD GETS IN YOU!

  4. LOVE the way of Jesus (v39-47)

  5. OBEY the words of Jesus (v48-58)


As you read the words of Jesus in John 8:12-58, allowing the Spirit to stir, revealing who Jesus is, ask yourself: What is the next right step Jesus is inviting me tot take to more faithfully follow him, growing to be more like him, trusting him?

  • Knowing who he truly is, by investing more time in this most treasured relationship?

  • Believing in why he came, to forgive you of your sin, free you from the power of sin?

  • Abiding in the words of Jesus, getting in the word, so the word gets in you?

  • Loving the way of Jesus, setting down whatever is preventing you from picking up your cross?

  • Obeying the words of Jesus, living them out and putting them into practice, formed by the Word?

Further Study

  • Read John 8

  • Read the relevant Old Testament passages that bring about a fuller meaning of this passages

    • Genesis 1 - The Creation of the World

    • Exodus 3 - The Burning Bush

    • Exodus 13:17-22 - Pillars of Cloud and Fire

    • Leviticus 23:33-43 - The Feast of Booths

    • Isaiah 9:1-7 - For to Us a Child Is Born

Ashley Herr

Lead Pastor at Redemption Bible Church


I Am the Bread of Life