I Am the Light of the World
Sermon Notes
Sermon Series: I AM
Sermon Title: I Am the Light of the World
Passage: John 8:12
Preacher: Ashley Herr
1. What does it mean that Jesus is the light of the world? (v12)
To understand the significance of the statement Jesus is making about himself, we need to understand: the WEHN of the story, the WHERE of the story, and the WHAT of the metaphor of light
Light in general: comforts us, protects, and guides us
Light in the Old Testament: conveys God’s presence and glory
2. What does it look like to follow Jesus? (v13-58)
Followers of Jesus:
KNOW the identity of Jesus (v13-20)
BELIEVE in the saving work of Jesus (v21-30
ABIDE in the words of Jesus (v31-38) - GET IN THE WORD, SO THE WORD GETS IN YOU!
LOVE the way of Jesus (v39-47)
OBEY the words of Jesus (v48-58)
As you read the words of Jesus in John 8:12-58, allowing the Spirit to stir, revealing who Jesus is, ask yourself: What is the next right step Jesus is inviting me tot take to more faithfully follow him, growing to be more like him, trusting him?
Knowing who he truly is, by investing more time in this most treasured relationship?
Believing in why he came, to forgive you of your sin, free you from the power of sin?
Abiding in the words of Jesus, getting in the word, so the word gets in you?
Loving the way of Jesus, setting down whatever is preventing you from picking up your cross?
Obeying the words of Jesus, living them out and putting them into practice, formed by the Word?
Further Study
Read John 8
Read the relevant Old Testament passages that bring about a fuller meaning of this passages
Genesis 1 - The Creation of the World
Exodus 3 - The Burning Bush
Exodus 13:17-22 - Pillars of Cloud and Fire
Leviticus 23:33-43 - The Feast of Booths
Isaiah 9:1-7 - For to Us a Child Is Born