Faithfully following the way of Jesus demands obedience to the words ofJesus.
In the Sermon on the Mount, we hear the vey words of Jesus that guide us in following the way of Jesus and lead us in living like Jesus.
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Faithfully following the way of Jesus is a journey of walking in humility.
We should confront each other’s sin, but only after confronting our own sin.
Trust God today with what lies ahead tomorrow.
Our fixation with materialism lessens as our devotion to God deepens.
Fasting is a response to sin and suffering that fosters greater love for God and others.
Prayer is an intimate conversation with God.
Followers of Jesus give of themselves for the good of others and the glory of God.
The way of Jesus loves others the way God loves us.
The way of Jesus is a way of radical generosity that seeks the good of others.
Faithfully following the way of Jesus involves walking in truthfulness in all we say and do.
Jesus confronts and corrects our misunderstanding of divorce.
Followers of Jesus pursue holiness by radically avoiding sexual sin.
Followers of Jesus are called to address sinful anger by choosing to reconcile with others in love.
All of Scripture points to and is fulfilled in Jesus
The way of Jesus seeks the good of the world and the glory of God.
The blessed way of Jesus endures persecution.
The blessed way of Jesus compassionately loves others.
The blessed way of Jesus compassionately loves others.
The blessed way of Jesus humbly loves God.
Faithfully following the way of Jesus demands obedience to the words of Jesus.