David & Rebecca Pater: Updates from France - October + Early November 2020

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New Lockdown, Divine Timing and December Hopes

Dear praying friends and family,

Ministering Again Under a New Lockdown
After a welcome reprieve during the summer from the Coronavirus lockdown that dominated our ministry work this spring, France and much of Europe has been hit with a strong second wave of infections and deaths. For almost a week in early November, France was among the worst affected countries in the world per resident, registering multiple days of 800+ deaths. For our American friends, that's the equivalent of 4,000+ deaths a day in the US (a figure that has never been seen!) as France has around 1/5 the population of the States. After several curfew mesures and the closing of restaurants and bars, which had little to no effect on virus numbers, we've been under a new nationwide lockdown since October 30th. This means we must fill out a form every time we leave home, everyone who can must work from home, and worst of all church and home gatherings are cancelled. That means we've had to transition back to Zoom and YouTube for all of our ministry. The lack of personal contact is tough, but we are ever thankful to God who has allowed us to continue to minister despite these obstacles.
Biblical Training and the Timing of God
This is the second November in a row that we have planned several evenings of training for our church's members. Last year, we explored the theme of evangelization. This year, we had planned three training events concerning how to read the Bible. What we didn't plan, though, was that everyone would be locked down again just a few days before the first scheduled training. While this created some logistical headaches as we had to switch to an online solution at the last minute, the timing of these trainings really couldn't have been better. After all, what could be more useful for people right after being locked down at home for at least a month (and maybe more) than a reminder of the amazing things that God can do through His Word and how to better enjoy them?! I had the privilege of presenting the first two training sessions, which praise God were well useful for many. See below for a link to the video.

Missing our Friends and Families and our Hope for December
Please be praying for us at the moment as we were supposed to be leaving for the US today time to visit many of you. Not being able to see our family and friends and not knowing when we will be able see them again has been tough for us, perhaps more this year with all the lockdowns. We know this is part of the price one pays when one becomes a missionary, and we know that even being in the US at this time is no guarantee of being able to travel, but having a trip we had been looking forward to all year cancelled has been hard to take. We thank God for our family in Christ that we have here in France (cf. Mark 10:29-31)! But we also miss you, and we really do hope to be able to see you again very soon! In the meantime, we are praying that we will at least be allowed to travel to Germany around Christmas time to spend time there with Rebecca's family. Please be praying with us that virus related regulations would continue to decrease to allow this trip and a restart of in-person ministry in Toulouse. It really is true that we don't realize how wonderful what we have is until it is taken away from us. May God use these difficult times to grow us now and to help us better thank Him when "normal life" eventually does return.

Wishing you all a very happy Thanksgiving!
David and Rebecca


  • For a blessed month of October where our in-person worship services were well attended and able to be held safely.

  • For continued protection from the virus. One of my colleagues in his thirties did get the virus and had several difficult weeks, but he is thankfully doing better now.

  • For lots of encouraging feedback and good fruit being born from our recent training initiatives

  • The 20 new people in our leader training program have been growing tremendously!

  • And the Bible training evenings of early November could not have been better timed and have helped many!

Prayer Requests

  • For wisdom for our government leaders to be to lead well during these troubled times.

  • For a return to in-person services soon. There are some rumors that this could be as early as December 1st!

  • For wisdom for our team to be able to reach out to those who are most in need during this lockdown.

  • For the continued effects of the recent Biblical training. That people would experience real and transformational communion with God during their moments in His Word.

  • For several non-Christian friends with whom we are in regular contact, that God would open doors.

  • For our homesickness, that God would comfort out hearts.


Tim Beavis: Encouragement for today from a global Leader


Becca Wells: Hi From Becca - November Update