New Sermon Series - Welcome!


We want to welcome you to Redemption!

Henri Nouwen in his book “Reaching Out” describes hospitality as “a fundamental attitude toward our fellow human being...the creation of a free space where the stranger can enter and become a friend instead of an enemy…not to change people, but to offer them a space where change can take place.”

Isn’t that the kind of church we want to be? A place where transformation and growth can take place? A place where those who are strangers to Jesus can encounter Jesus, know Jesus, and grow to be more like Jesus?

But how do we go about creating a welcoming, hospitable church where strangers can become family?

That’s what we are going to be looking at in January as we kick off the new year - with a new sermon series - and a new area of focus for 2020 - as we seek to be a welcoming church and make a welcoming home - which requires that we have a welcoming heart!

This year we are going to form new relationships and forge lifelong friendships. This year we’re going to do the things we normally like to do, but we’re going to do them together. This year we are going to share 1,000 meals together.

And your first step is to invite a friend, bring your family, and join us this Sunday at Redemption as we begin our new sermon series, “Welcome!”

Sunday, January 12th: A Welcoming Heart (Romans 12:9-18)

Sunday, January 19th: A Welcoming Church (1 Peter 4:7-11)

Sunday, January 26th: A Welcoming Home (Luke 14:7-24)

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